• What companies are producing RDC/SPVs today for American use?

  • Discussion about RDC's, "doodlebugs," gas-electrics, etc.
Discussion about RDC's, "doodlebugs," gas-electrics, etc.
  by rrbluesman
I am preparing a railroad proposal at this time and I am beginning to consider the needs of passenger rail operation; What companies are currently marketing/producing RDC-like motive power, if anyone? The proposal I am working on will not be an electrified right-of-way, so EMUs are outside of scope. Thank you to anyone who can assist.

  by nomis
Stadler would be your best bet, assuming US operations, with FRA compliant, FRA alternate, or Temporal Separation equipment.
  by electricron
Nippon Sharyo made DMUs for SMART train service north of San Francisco, and for UP Express train service in Toronto. They closed their USA plant, so any future DMUs built by them will probably be built in Japan, and would not qualify for federal funding because they are not Built in America.
That leaves just Stadler DMU trains, GTWs and FLIRTs. GTWs are not built in America - but FLIRTs are in Salt Lake City. Riverline, CapMetro Rail, DCTA, and eBART are using DMU GTWs today. Presently, TEXRail is the only service using DMU FLIRT trains in America.
DART has ordered more DMU FLIRTs and will have them in service soon.

When proposing new DMU train services, do not forget that tracks without Positive Train Controls owned by non Class A railroads are limited to 6 round trips a day for passenger services (12 trains a day). There are other requirements that must be met as well, such as no hazardous cargo and low cargo tonnage. Otherwise, a new passenger service will have to have expensive PTC systems installed on all the trains and tracks to be used.
  by R36 Combine Coach
BBD/Alstom has no domestic offerings at this time, but once proposed a M-7 DMU, supposedly aimed for the Greenport and Montauk shuttles, and the ConnDOT branch lines.
  by nomis
The Vaporware of M-7 DMU’s strikes again!

Ron has hit it on the head, as Stadler is the game in town for DMU and other planned self propelled systems. Plug and play as long you can “Show me the money.”