bwparker1 wrote:Maybe an up date on this project?
"So the city of New Haven spent $7.6 mill and built track to the property line of everyone on Waterfront Street whether they wanted it or not. Brand new everything, 136 lb rail and Century concrete crossings. All this rail was rolled in March 2014 and has never been used. Last week Sperry came and tested all of it."
P&W is eager to generate some
new biz here. How much they'll succeed at drawing, who knows. These small ports like Belle,
New London, Fall River,
New Bedford, Providence, and South Boston never have as much multimodal value as the states pouring money into them hope they'll have, since economy of scale favors massive ports and rail traffic that goes to massive transloads (Ayer, Worcester, etc.). But since Southern
New England doesn't have any big port facilities bringing in reliable revenue (excepting very narrowly-focused niche sites like Davisville or Boston Autoport), they're stuck trying to diversify what they have even when that requires an overpay on capital investment.
That said, P&W sees enough upside here within its margins to give it a full-court press. I would expect at least one anchor customer with reliable traffic to get signed on before too long, and maybe they get lucky enough to get a small collection and enough biz for a daily/near-daily jog tacked on to their normal Cedar Hill stopover.