• UP, 7000 series, Mountain Type 4-8-2's

  • Discussion of steam locomotives from all manufacturers and railroads
Discussion of steam locomotives from all manufacturers and railroads

Moderators: Typewriters, slide rules

  by skeezik
Where can I find information and pictures of UP's 7000 series mountain type 4-8-2 locomotives painted in the gray & gray scheme w/ passenger cars painted likewise?

  by FourTwelveTwo
Well, there are many sources, but one of the best you can readily purchase is the 4-8-2 portion of Union Pacific Historical Society's new series of "roster books."

These books use only high-quality photographs and are given special production treatment by the printer. They're outstanding photographs.

Check them out at [/url]www.uphs.org[url]

I believe you may purchase the books online, and I assure you they're worth every penny.

  by skeezik

Thanks for the tip . . . I just looked at the books on the historical society's website. Looks like a great series of books. I'll try volume 9.
