• Union Pacific

  • Discussion about the Union Pacific operations past and present. Official site can be found here: UPRR.COM.
Discussion about the Union Pacific operations past and present. Official site can be found here: UPRR.COM.

Moderator: GOLDEN-ARM

Forum Statistics Last post
README: Forum Rules / Legal / Terms of Service
by Jeff Smith  -   - In: News, Announcements, FAQ and Help
0 Replies 
 by Jeff Smith
Railroad.net Announces Ad-Free Subscriptions
by gprimr1  -   - In: News, Announcements, FAQ and Help
0 Replies 
 by gprimr1
0 Replies 
Forum Statistics Last post
UP job classification Reno/Sparks area
by 757  - 
3 Replies 
 by speccast68
UP locomotive numbering scheme
by wigwagfan  - 
3 Replies 
 by CNW_4404_Lover
Union Pacific GP40?
by TerryC  - 
6 Replies 
 by crazy_nip
What is the pay rate for train service?
by deb963  - 
3 Replies 
 by Guest
SD70ACe's on the move out of Proviso
by Guest  - 
0 Replies 
 by Guest
UP Train Dispatcher
by Phase Gap  - 
11 Replies 
 by Guest
Investigative Report (Long) - Derailments - New York Times
by Gilbert B Norman  - 
9 Replies 
 by Guest
Need some Cajon help
by roberttosh  - 
15 Replies 
 by roberttosh
Moffat Line Traffic
by The S.P. Caboose  - 
12 Replies 
 by dhaugh
Tunnel Clearances Of Donner Pass
by The S.P. Caboose  - 
2 Replies 
 by The S.P. Caboose
Cheyenne, Wyoming Questions
by conrail71  - 
3 Replies 
 by AmtrakFan
Pueblo Colorado
by LIRR272  - 
7 Replies 
 by espee
Traffic between Burbank Jct. and Palmdale Jct.
by The S.P. Caboose  - 
2 Replies 
 by The S.P. Caboose
Derailment in City Of Industry
by The S.P. Caboose  - 
3 Replies 
 by newmanonthejob
North Platte, NE
by Jayjay1213  - 
2 Replies 
 by AmtrakFan
Union Pacific SD70ACe on railpictures.net
by TerryC  - 
2 Replies 
 by CN_Hogger
Moffitt Tunnel
by dhaugh  - 
7 Replies 
 by AmtrakFan
Locomotive number selection
by TerryC  - 
5 Replies 
 by The S.P. Caboose
blank number boards on the long hoods
by SRS125  - 
2 Replies 
 by Paul
Former SP Unit In Bad Shape
by Kevin B.  - 
5 Replies 
 by Paul
Union Pacific Sighting in New Jersey
by David Hutchinson  - 
4 Replies 
 by SRS125
Metrolink/UP accident near LA
by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050  - 
1 Replies 
 by Ron Newman
ex. Chicago North Western Dash 9 number
by TerryC  - 
15 Replies 
 by Lehigh Valley Railroad
Fresno Line
by Justin B  - 
1 Replies 
 by The S.P. Caboose
by TerryC  - 
10 Replies 
 by CN_Hogger
SP/UP Oil Cans
by The S.P. Caboose  - 
4 Replies 
 by AmtrakFan
UP Slide Show of West Coast Damage
by arnstg  - 
2 Replies 
 by The S.P. Caboose
Union Pacific Coastline/Metrolink Valley Ventura Subdivision
by The S.P. Caboose  - 
2 Replies 
 by The S.P. Caboose
Weather in the Sierras
by sixaxlealcoII  - 
1 Replies 
 by AmtrakFan
SP Kodakchrome
by CNW4404  - 
4 Replies 
 by TerryC
UP on TV
by OHanrahan  - 
2 Replies 
 by AmtrakFan
Omaha Shops
by updrumcorpsguy  - 
4 Replies 
 by jmp883
PCX trains
by The S.P. Caboose  - 
0 Replies 
 by The S.P. Caboose
Southern Pacific freight lines
by cdash  - 
5 Replies 
 by SSW9389
C30-7's still in service?
by emd_SD_60  - 
4 Replies 
 by cb&q bob
Is Union Pacific hiring at this time during the holidays?
by deb963  - 
0 Replies 
 by deb963
by UMP55ANDREF  - 
2 Replies 
 by AmtrakFan
CN/UP to Divert Freight Around Chicago
by edkyle99  - 
1 Replies 
 by AmtrakFan
Missouri Pacific SD40-2's
by TerryC  - 
7 Replies 
 by crazy_nip
Man Killed in 5th derailment in San Antonio since May
by arnstg  - 
5 Replies 
 by slchub
by TerryC  - 
2 Replies 
 by Allen Hazen
UP club lounge cars 6207 PAYETTE RIVER and 6208 WEBER RIVER
by jhdeasy  - 
0 Replies 
 by jhdeasy
UP vs. FRA
by arnstg  - 
1 Replies 
 by AmtrakFan
Cedar Rapids, IA employees of UP
by thomas  - 
6 Replies 
 by Gbrown
Extra lites on SP Locomotives
by SRS125  - 
3 Replies 
 by Paul
Derailment in los Angeles
by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050  - 
3 Replies 
 by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
Diddy bag/Grip
by Dude38  - 
1 Replies 
 by Paul
Steam Number plate dimensions needed
by Richard Glueck  - 
2 Replies 
 by Paul
A Poetic Salute to the UP......
by rcbsd45  - 
3 Replies 
 by Paul
UP Accounting = Enron?
by Gilbert B Norman  - 
4 Replies 
 by route_rock
SD70M Flag Units
by Kevin B.  - 
0 Replies 
 by Kevin B.
Southern Pacific SD50s
by TerryC  - 
3 Replies 
 by drgwgp60
Tunnel 7 on Fire on Willameete Pass near Fraizer
by AmtrakFan  - 
15 Replies 
 by Rockingham Racer
Tennessee Pass
by slchub  - 
2 Replies 
 by crazy_nip
Last Week The Times; This Week The Journal
by Gilbert B Norman  - 
3 Replies 
 by MP297W
Is UP going to the Repbulican Convention
by AmtrakFan  - 
4 Replies 
 by AmtrakFan
UP salary and hotel during initial training?
by 90MPH  - 
2 Replies 
 by SteelWheels21
injured at home
by Dude38  - 
2 Replies 
 by Paul
UP's Davidson letter to employees (bout them crossings)
by DutchRailnut  - 
2 Replies 
 by Gilbert B Norman
Ex SP U33C´s
by Acela82  - 
3 Replies 
 by SSW9389
UP at capacity
by downbeat  - 
23 Replies 
 by Greg
Oops in San Antonio Texas
by TerryC  - 
2 Replies 
 by LCJ
Derailment in San Antonio
by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050  - 
2 Replies 
 by MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
What would Hank Stoddard or Otto Jabbleman have done?
by bigblow69  - 
1 Replies 
 by Greg
EMD E2 colors
by engineshop  - 
1 Replies 
 by John_Perkowski
UP net income drops 62%
by LCJ  - 
5 Replies 
 by Paul
Mar 10 UP no manned wreck.
by Lehigh Valley Railroad  - 
4 Replies 
 by CSX Conductor
Green Boxes
by danb  - 
5 Replies 
 by CSX Conductor
  • 1
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