• Training pay

  • General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.
General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.

Moderator: thebigc

  by dglenns87
Im about to start training and was trying to get an idea of what to expect. i know ill be in class for 3 weeks and the pay is 125, after the 3 weeks ill be in the yard doing ojt now how does that work how much is the pay and how many hours a day is the training. Also wondering how hard it is going to be to hold the extra board after im done with training, how are things going throughout the system, im just ready to get to work and hoping to hold my job thanks a lot, im in the houston area
  by banks2
What are you training for ?? With who ? also what is the 125 ?? Your best bet is to contact the person you've been corresponding with and they should be able to help you.
  by yuice20
is the 125 a day standard? I ask because in the chicago hiring session I went to, the guy said you get 60 a day for training.
  by recklessendangerment
Just started for BNSF and my instructors told us it would be $150 a day, plus overtime for any hours over 40 worked while doing OJT.
  by dglenns87
Im going for union pacific train crew, they told us it was 125 a day but didnt specify for ojt while working in the yard if it was going to be raised was just wondering if anybody knew if it gets raised while working ojt in the yard
  by dglenns87
recklessendangerment wrote:Just started for BNSF and my instructors told us it would be $150 a day, plus overtime for any hours over 40 worked while doing OJT.

So you do get overtime thats awesome i hope its the same for UP Where are you located bro and when you get done are you going straight to the extra board??? have they told you guys about how long itll be till you get on the regular board. Thanks
  by sailordave
I start training for UP in Ft Worth on Monday. Hopefully it is 125 a day and not 60 that would suck. They havent even said what the starting pay is I am kind of in the dark on this.
  by recklessendangerment
dglenns87 wrote:
recklessendangerment wrote:Just started for BNSF and my instructors told us it would be $150 a day, plus overtime for any hours over 40 worked while doing OJT.

So you do get overtime thats awesome i hope its the same for UP Where are you located bro and when you get done are you going straight to the extra board??? have they told you guys about how long itll be till you get on the regular board. Thanks
Got on at Gillette Wyoming. Loving it so far, Was kinda a pain to move for the job but not too bad.
Will most likely be conductor's extra board immediately after finishing class, but not neccessarily they said. Lotta people needed in the Division right now.
  by dglenns87
thats awesome man yeah im ready to get started I heard its a really good time to start in the railroad because of all the people getting ready to retire hopefully it wont be hard to hold some kind of seniority, i know a lot of people were getting furloughed the last couple years. Ive got 3 other classes in my area getting started after me so at least ill be a little ahead
  by cifn2
Training pay is based on union agreements, and depends on the service unit/ negotiated earnings. I know that in that in the past, OJT pay was the same as classroom pay, without the extra money covering your food expenses as it does while in BIT class. You are paid for the days you work. So if you don't get called daily, you won't earn the money. I think I ran nearly every day with the exception of a couple days. We were hard on the boards when I was a BIT doing my OJT. We were out nearly as soon as we were available to be sent. I remember my first call, the crew caller asked if I was supposed to be available to be called out or not, because we had just been marked up at midnight Sunday after getting home from class Saturday. I advised her I was not sure, she said let me check with the local manager and if I call you back, I will tell you where you are going. If you don't hear from me again,enjoy the rest of your night. I slept. But that crew caller became my friend, she fixed my issues when they arose, and remembered the trips I wanted or needed. I had a few strange issues I like to explain for new hires.

1st. Always watch the boards, check them from home after you are called and make sure you are attached to the train/crew you were called for. I had the issue that a new crew caller called me to go North, but gave me the wrong train ID, when he realized what he had done, he called back and gave me the new ID. When I got to the terminal, I found the crew I was supposed to be with, and told them I was on with them. They said no man your not, we didn't see it. I looked up myself on the system and the silly caller had put me down as missed call because evidentally he didn't know how to clear me from the first train which he had placed me on, or he left me on the first train not sure. So I walked into the manager's office and told him after I had called the crew caller at the desk and was told they couldn't remove it. I got the oldest guy there I think, and he didn't seem to like me. When I told the manager he pulled it up, and said there is nothing there now, they must have removed it. I advised him I wanted to let him know in case it hurt my record.

2nd. As with issues above, always check your status/location. I somehow was ghosted in the system I was told. I was actually placed with 2 conductors for a while and they didn't know how to fix it. They had me at the home terminal available for work wanting to put me on a SB, while I was actually 300 miles north of the home terminal rested up waiting to go back home. The crew caller was like we tried calling you at home and couldn't get you. I said that is because I am on the road.

Just my hints and keeping above water in a messed up system.
  by COEN77
Try explaining it to a wife who thinks your at work which you are but the railroad calls for you at home to go to work. That's been going on forever. It got me in hot water plenty of times. I always told the wives never call the railroad unless it's a real emergency. One called the crew callers to see if they knew when I would be home. Unfortunately the railroad sent two deadheads that went around me while I was still in lodging at the away terminal. They told her I should be home in a few hours. When I walked in the door 14 hours later it wasn't a pleasant sight. If you notice I wrote wives some hated the railroad with a passion. When it came to choosing the railroad always won. lol
  by cifn2
Yes, we were told by the instructor in the BIT and CIT class that the railroad screws up often in where you are so make sure you brace your wife for this, as you could end up getting calls at home, when you are on the road. So expect the confusion.
  by jackwagon
i am currently in BIT in California and we were told during the interview session we would be paid $125 a day. but after finding out with timekeeping we are actually getting paid $80 a day or $10/hour! it definitely sucks and i dont know when it will go up but i will keep you guys updated. ALSO SENIORITY, it goes by the birth day of the month you were born, i.e. if you were born on the 1st of the month then your at the top of list for your hire date, if you are born on the 31st then you are at the bottom of the barrel(so good luck because you will be getting bumped or furloughed first). Good luck!
  by jjrockman
I was told as well it would be 125 a day. I am starting class on the 6 of june and 80 bucks a day isnt much considering gas and toll. I am here California and understand that there are a few classes going and some new ones about to be starting. they did say once you get to the ojt part it goes up to 150. How is the training going thus far? Is there the 4 hours a day of homework they were talking about?
  by jackwagon
jjrockman, i am assuming you are getting hired out at oakland from what it sounds like. anyways yeah i have heard that it goes up but im not sure by how much. our instructor says that it would probably go up to 75% of pay. but it is not for sure until i actually see it. thats my motto im going by here so far because you will hear ALOT of things going around. as for class, the studying for 4 hours is definitely true! so far i have been putting in about 4-6hours a night. the first week is definitely the hardest, tons of book work,studying, and tests. the seconed week you will be out in the yard about 2-3 days which is the best so far. one more week left of BIT cant wait and i know it wont be easy. then 6 weeks of OJT. good luck