• Pre-Employment Background Check

  • General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.
General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.

Moderator: thebigc

  by chicagoguy
Hi, glad to be a new member. I am waiting upon my results from my background check. When I filled out the app. I was asked to put down my last salaries made in my past employments. I may have been off on my salary made , is this a big deal ? Also, the dates on 1 of the 4 past employments may have been off a few months, is this too going to prevent me from employment ? Not that I do drugs, at least not illegal ones, I do take prescription meds, Dr. prescribed, how far back do they go for a hair drug test? They going to go back all the way to High School ? I really want this job, im just concerned about the questions I listed above. Thanks for your input and advice
  by supernova1972
Don't sweat the dates. I worked about 6 places before the RR and couldn't remember the dates either. They do call former employers though, I'm sure they wont decline your app if the month is off. Most RRs will do a hair test.
  by chicagoguy
Thank you,i have been reading that even the most small of particulars are important. They have already said they are going to be doing a hair test. Have any idea how far they go back ? I dont do drugs, but i had in the past and am finished with that period of my life. I really want this job, this is the hardest part waiting for the call about the background, they said we will hear back one way or the other in about 3 weeks. I thought they would have started it if I was a candidate, I thought that the oral interview went well, they didnt say I was a candidate or not though. I called my old boss and he said he hasnt been contacted and its been 4 days since the interview, you think im being way to impatient? Verification Inc. is doing the background. I really want and need this job, Id love to have this opportunity.. thanks for any input or advice...
  by wishbone
Speaking as a new hire for CSX, drug test, (hair follicle test) went back 90 days. Each 1/2" of head hair represents approx. 30 days. You are also required to submitt a urine sample. If you do not have hair on your head, they take it from your arm or leg. If you shave your entire body let it grow. Not being able to supply a sample is considered a refusal. No sample, no possibility of a job. When if comes to presciptions as long as you can supply them with a current or valid prescription for the time period you will be fine. I believe they test for the 5 major classifications, Opiates , cannot really remember them but I am sure there was 5. Good Luck and hope for the best. Remember this, You may get what you want, but you may not want what you get. Its hard to believe but no previous employment can prepare you for the Railroad Lifestyle. Everything said though, I do enjoy it so far.