by Komachi
Started this on the old forums, let's see if we can start any new interest here...
I'm not a native of Milwaukee, but I finished my last three years of college at the UW-Milwaukee (2000-2003... so I'm an honorary Milwaukean, I guess) and learned a little about the TMER&L through some college history classes I took. Is there anyone else out there who has an interest in the Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Co.? Are there any current/former Milwaukeans out there who have memories of the TMER&L that they'd like to share? With such a colorful history and influence it had on Milwaukee (made a Daniel Hoan a household name with all the lawsuits he brought against it!) how can you NOT like it?
So grab a Schlitz and lets talk!
I'm not a native of Milwaukee, but I finished my last three years of college at the UW-Milwaukee (2000-2003... so I'm an honorary Milwaukean, I guess) and learned a little about the TMER&L through some college history classes I took. Is there anyone else out there who has an interest in the Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Co.? Are there any current/former Milwaukeans out there who have memories of the TMER&L that they'd like to share? With such a colorful history and influence it had on Milwaukee (made a Daniel Hoan a household name with all the lawsuits he brought against it!) how can you NOT like it?
So grab a Schlitz and lets talk!
~Erik Paulson
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