If somebody needs a view over the horizon, I can recommend to get following books:
Dirk Schwarze - Die Dampflokomotive
Leopold Niederstrasser - Leitfaden für den Dampflokomotivdienst
The former books are in german, but give us a deep insight in german steam locomotives. The book of Dirk Schwarze more on the basis of the DRG and later DR in germanys east territories after WW" and later the former german democratic republic.
The later on is for the german federal railways and was a guess for some few engineers as a quick reference book.
Huge informations one can find in reading the old DV948 and DV947 of the german federal railways, which took over the publications from the Deutsche Reichbahn Gesellschaft before WW2 and added a few things.
Both are manualls for maintainance and service - thus have much information about the parts and how they had to be handled in service and repair, but also give informations on how to operate those things in common day task out on the track.
Funny I found the book of Brian Topping - the engine drivers manual
It's simply written for british locomotives, and the really divert from german engines by construction and operation. Brian does not go to deep into detail, so for a hobbiest the book is well done, but for a real engine driver or fireman the book lacks some detailed information - but: It's a nice to have and the read, especially because of the typical british common task. Like things on: If a bearing isn't in order, go get a fitter... We in Germany don't seek a fitter, we take it on our self and try to fix it... there is no service personel around anymore
But it's nice and I really like it, because of the easy reading.
How can get, Andre Chapelons book - Locomotive en vapeur is a manifest! I hunt for it since many days and even a reprint has the same content, originals are not required. Andre published all his inventions, ideas and findings in this book and it a steam locomotive tuning guide!
Here you find all the things, to make it bigger, stronger and faster. This is were it all starts and there are translations in english out there, but I wasn't able to get one for myself - still only lend one a few days for quick reading.
David Wardals Book "Red Devil and other tales from the age of steam" is also a must read. It's not so detailed in "how to" but... it decribes the task on how Red Devil was build and on what basis the locomotive was build, as it shows, why this exciting engine was death, before it came into real service.
David does not write the book as a technical handbook, even if many technical details and how the work together are included - as also some very good technical details and examinations were presented - it's more the story on Red Devil, a exciting story told by a man, who called himself the wizards apprentice - as he build in the tunings of Chapelon and Livio Dante Porta into a Class 25NC of the south african railways.
This is the engineers bedtime storiesbook!!!
Allways keep two-thrid level in gauge and a well set fire, that's how the engineer likes a fireman