by steamer69
Gokeefe and a couple other people asked if I would explain what I mean by some of the operational terms I was using on to describe fireing practices on the WW&F page, as well as on the former CSRX thread. So, here is the basics of locomotive fireing. Some people may know some of it, but I wrote it as if I am starting with someone who has never been on a steam engine before, this is basically how I start out all new fireman that I work with. I hope everyone enjoys this, and let me know what you all think. This comes out of an introduction to fireing course that I give.
We will start this discussion beginning with the heart of a steam locomotive - its boiler. A portable, low pressure, steam genorator with maximum pressures being different from engine to engine, it is usually fired by coal, oil, or wood. Other sources of fuel can also be used, depending on the region and fuel sources that are readily available. The fuel is burned on the grates in the firebox on locomotives that do not burn liquid fuel, and in a combustion chamber in locomotives that do. This firebox is surrounded by water in the firebox shell absorbing radiant heat from the fire. The gap between the inner and outer fireboxes is maintained by hundreds of rigid and flexible stay bolts. To support combustion, air is admitted into two areas:
1. Primary air enters via damper doors and or open slots in or below the ashpan and is drawn from below the grates through the fire bed or combustion chamber.
2. Secondary air is drawn through the firebox door telltale holes or small flaps in the door frame.
The arch brick within the firebox is constructed of firebrick or refractory cement and serves three purposes. As its material is incandescent, it encourages combustion of gas distilled from the fire bed; it lengthens the path of those gases to give additional time for combustion and it prevents cool air reaching the fire tubes as it enters the firebox door. It also serves to radiate heat from the fire to the firebox, adding efficiency of firing and in this process using less fuel.
The hot gases are drawn through long tubes (also referred to as flues) surrounded by water in the boiler barrel, to the smokebox at the front of the engine. On superheated locomotive boilers, these tubes are of two types, small ones of about 1¾ - 2¼ inches in diameter and large flues of 5 - 5½ inches diameter. We will get into the differences in the two types of steam later on in this instruction, but for now we will just say that the difference is between wet (or saturated) and dry (or superheated).
The saturated steam that is generated collects above the water in the boiler. Its journey to the cylinders is controlled by the throttle valve operated from within the cab by the throttle handle. It travels through the main steam pipe (and on superheated locomotives) to the superheater header, which is divided into two separate areas. The saturated steam at a temperature of about 390 F passes through the superheater elements and increasing its temperature to about 650 F. Returning to the other side of the superheater header, the superheated steam flows via steam pipes to the valves and then on to the cylinders.
The gases from the fire, now much cooler after giving up much of their heat to the water and steam, are ejected through the stack. This is greatly assisted by the exhaust steam from the cylinders passing through the reduced orifice of the blast pipe (also called the nosil) at high speed, and capturing the gases on the way. By this method the smokebox maintains a partial vacuum that provides a draw on the fire.
Replacement water is forced into the boiler by injectors, maintaining a safe level above the crown sheet. Safety valves on top of the boiler release steam when the pressure within the boiler rises above a predetermined level. We will get into the water system in a little bit. First, how we create the heat.
The Firebox
The firebox of a steam locomotive is designed to burn fuel efficiently and produce adequate heat to boil water, and in doing so, create steam. Firebox widths vary from those that overlap the engine frame and wheels to the type that is waisted to fit between the frames. The top of the firebox may round and therefore follow the circular profile of the boiler barrel, or roughly flat known as the Belpaire type. This latter firebox is more costly to produce but it gives more steam space at the top where it needed most. The firebox consists of an inner and outer shell. The space between the inner and outer shells, usually 3 to 4 inches at the sides but 1½ to 2 feet at the top, is controlled by metal staysbolts that travel between the two sheets and allow for the expansion of the firebox as a whole, and hold the firebox together. The level of water that surrounds the inner sheets is controlled by the injectors that force water from the tender into the boiler, however as a safety feature, if the water level should drop below the crown sheet, fusible plugs made from a low melting-point alloy, melt and help to extinguish the fire.
The grates at the base of the firebox consist of cast-iron firebars with air spaces between. The amount of air admitted through the grates to the underside of the fire is adjusted by damper doors (on engines that are so equipped) in the ash pan. Additional air is admitted through the firebox door, and allowed to assist with combustion. This helps with complete combustion of the gases within the firebox and reduces the periods when unburnt fuel is drawn off the firebed, reducing unwanted smoke and blocking the boiler tubes.
The Fire
We need a fire to provide the heat to boil the water to produce the steam to drive the engine to pull the train. This is the basic concept, regardless of what the fuel source is. Keep in mind that for the different types of fuel systems, there will be differences in the basics of how fuel is administered into the combustion chamber (firebox), but the underlying principals are the same.
As the Engineer opens the throttle he uses steam. The further he opens the throttle, the more steam is required, and so the boiler will have to make more steam to replace that used by the Engineer. It is necessary therefore to increase the amount of fuel supplied to the fire to maintain the pressure in the boiler, as more fuel makes more heat that boils more water which turns into steam. Fortunately, the exhaust steam going up the stack (with each “chuff”) draws air through the bottom of the firebox, so providing oxygen that allows the fuel to burn. As the locomotive works harder, more air is drawn through, giving more oxygen and allowing us to increase the amount of fuel that can be burnt.
Fuel is fed by the fireman by hand or via a stoker system on coal burning locomotives or by gravity from the fuel tank to the burner on oil burning locomotives. Determining when and how much fuel to add to the fire is a craft that will have to be learned through lots of practice, and instruction. So first we will go through coal operations, and the basics of how to “read” the fire.
When you look into the firebox, you will begin to notice differences in colors in the fire. For the most part, and to keep things simple at this point, you will be looking for two different things, light and dark. Light spots in your fire are the points where it is burning hot. The whiter the color, the hotter the fire. If you see darker spots, these are places where your fire is burning cool, or may even be out (if the spot is black). Maintaining an even color, with no black spots should be the goal of any fireman. This is done in many different ways, but the most important thing to remember is to stay on top of the fire, because it can go from a nice burn to dead in a very short period of time. Make sure that when you are firing you not only communicate with your Engineer on what his plans are, but you also watch the fire and the stack. A lot of what is going on in the fire can be determined by what is coming out of the stack without having to spend time with the firebox door open staring into the fire. Here is the basic principal behind using your stack to “read the fire”.
Air versus fuel and combustion:
Balancing the amount of air versus fuel is the main responsibility of the fireman as far as maintenance of the fire is concerned. This is done by watching the stack to let the engine tell you what it needs. In a perfect balance of fire to air, the stack will be light grey. This means that you are getting the most efficiency out of your fuel to air mixture, and not making the neighbors mad with huge plums of black smoke. Basic rule of thumb is this…Black smoke=not enough air flowing through the firebox (you are choking the fire out)…Light grey smoke=you are right on the money…No or white smoke=the fire is getting too much air, or you have holes (those black spots where the fire has died out, or may have fallen through the grates) in the fire.
“Now hold on a minute…every time I put coal on the fire I get plumes of thick black smoke…” Yes, on coal burning engines you see this a lot. What you are seeing is what is called “burn off”. When coal is added to the fire the outer coating of the coal (the part that doesn’t really burn) is expelled out of the stack creating plumes of thick black smoke. This can be controlled by “spot firing” or staggering your firing technique to allow the “burn off” process to take place. Sometimes this is just not possible to do due to constraints placed upon you by how the engine is acting on a particular day, and or requirements on your steam production placed on you by your Engineer. The goal for you however is to minimize the amount of time you have to spend in a “full burn off”. A “full burn off” is what happens when you, for example, coat the entire fire over causing a prolonged period of that thick black smoke.
There has to be some way of replacing the water the Engineer uses (as steam) as he runs the train. This is done by a piece of equipment called an Injector, which uses steam from the boiler to force cold water from the water tanks into the boiler at higher pressure than the steam inside. Each locomotive is fitted with two injectors, but normally only one is used. The injector (some firemen call it “the Gun”) has two valves to operate it: one for water and one for steam.
As the steam is used to make the locomotive move, the water level in the boiler drops. Before it drops too far it is necessary to turn on the injector and replace the water that has been converted to steam in the boiler. Needless to say, there is a technique to working injectors. First, turn on the water valve fully. Look outside of the cab and check that water is coming out of the overflow pipe. The injector has to be cold to work properly and so running some cold water through it in this way will help us. Then turn on the steam valve. The injector should then start to feed water into the boiler. If all is well you may hear it making a “singing” noise and the water from the overflow pipe will either vanish or just be a small dribble. Your fireman will show the exact technique to the juggling of handles and valves. When enough water has been put in the boiler it is time to turn the injector off. This is done in reverse order, so turn off the steam valve first followed by the water valve. (EXCEPT IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, NEVER DROP THE PRESSURE IN THE BOILER MORE THAN 10PSI AT A TIME!!! This places a lot of stress on the boiler from excess heating and cooling, and is just bad practice)
The Gauge Glass (also called the water glass) will tell you how much water is in the boiler.
You must keep the water visible. It must not vanish out of the bottom of the glass tube for any length of time. At all times the water level must not be allowed to drop below the crown sheet. The gauge glass works on the principle of a liquid always finding its own level. Remember this especially when the locomotive is in motion, as the water level in the glass will “bob” up and down. Sometimes the movement of the water can be extreme, so plan for this. For example, if the water moves half a glass during a sudden stop then make sure to always have wiggle room in your water level so that the CROWN SHEET IS ALWAYS COVERED!!!!! In the diagram the yellow area represents steam (the Steam Space) and the green area represents water (the Water Space). The process of turning on and off of the injector is a continuous process, as the pressure and water level in the boiler rises and falls and the demands on the locomotive change.
For the technically minded, here is a brief description on how an injector works:
Problem: As our engine boils water to go “chuff” the water level in the boiler reduces and needs to be replaced.
Solution: The injector. The injector has three cones. The first two point forward and the last one points backwards. The first one (the steam cone) has boiler steam squirted through it. This trades its pressure for velocity so now we have our steam going quickly in the direction of the boiler. We then dump cold water from the water tank on to the steam. The steam condenses and imparts its velocity to the water as it is squirted through the second cone (the combining cone). So now we have our slightly warmer water going quickly in the direction of the boiler. The last cone (the delivery cone) is the other way round and converts our velocity to pressure so we now have high-pressure water heading for the boiler at a pressure high enough to get through the check valve and into the boiler. If there is too much water, or insufficient steam, the delivery cone fails to function and the water and steam are ejected through the overflow pipe. Don’t worry too much if you seem to be putting the injector on and off at odd times when you don’t think it’s necessary – the fireman will explain why. You may also find that you do not have enough hands, as there are times when you need to do three things at once, but your fireman will always be there to help you. The main thing is not to panic as there are years of experience standing next to you! Things will get easier to understand and do as you get more time on the engine.
Saturated VS Superheated Steam
A superheater is a device used to convert saturated steam or wet steam into dry steam used for power generation or processes. There are three types of superheaters namely: radiant, convection, and separately fired. A superheater can vary in size from a few tens of feet to several hundred feet. Here is where the different types are located. A radiant superheater is placed directly in the combustion chamber, a convection superheater is located in the path of the hot gases, and a separately fired superheater, as its name implies, is totally separated from the boiler. A superheater is a device in a steam engine, when considering locomotives, that heats the steam generated by the boiler again, increasing its thermal energy and decreasing the likelihood that it will condense inside the engine. Superheaters increase the efficiency of the steam engine, and were widely adopted. Steam which has been superheated is logically known as superheated steam; non-superheated steam is called saturated steam or wet steam. The introduction of superheating was the single most important development for the steam locomotive. Superheating increases the power output of a locomotive by up to 25%, with equivalent savings in coal and water, over non-superheated engines. Its widespread use from 1910 coincided with the needs from the railway operators for heavier trains to be hauled at higher speeds.
In steam locomotive use, by far the most common form of superheater is the fire-tube type. This takes the saturated steam supplied in the dry pipe into a superheater header mounted against the tube sheet in the smokebox. The steam is then passed through a number of superheater elements (long pipes which are placed inside special, widened fire tubes, also called flues). Hot combustion gases from the locomotive's fire pass through these flues just like they do the tubes, and as well as heating the water they also heat the steam inside the superheater elements they flow over. The superheater element doubles back on itself so that the heated steam can return (most do this twice at the fire end and once at the smokebox end), so that the steam travels a distance of four times the header's length while being heated. The superheated steam, at the end of its journey through the elements, passes into a separate compartment of the superheater header and then to the cylinders as normal.
Steam generated in a boiler is known as saturated steam due to high moisture content since it is in contact with the water. In a superheated boiler, this steam is passed through the throttle valve and main steam pipe to the superheater header and into the superheater elements within the large flue tubes. This superheated steam is then returned to the superheater header to be sent to the cylinders. The moisture that was present in the saturated steam is turned into additional steam and if its temperature is raised high enough, the steam approaches the condition of a perfect gas, progressively expanding as more heat is absorbed.
We will start this discussion beginning with the heart of a steam locomotive - its boiler. A portable, low pressure, steam genorator with maximum pressures being different from engine to engine, it is usually fired by coal, oil, or wood. Other sources of fuel can also be used, depending on the region and fuel sources that are readily available. The fuel is burned on the grates in the firebox on locomotives that do not burn liquid fuel, and in a combustion chamber in locomotives that do. This firebox is surrounded by water in the firebox shell absorbing radiant heat from the fire. The gap between the inner and outer fireboxes is maintained by hundreds of rigid and flexible stay bolts. To support combustion, air is admitted into two areas:
1. Primary air enters via damper doors and or open slots in or below the ashpan and is drawn from below the grates through the fire bed or combustion chamber.
2. Secondary air is drawn through the firebox door telltale holes or small flaps in the door frame.
The arch brick within the firebox is constructed of firebrick or refractory cement and serves three purposes. As its material is incandescent, it encourages combustion of gas distilled from the fire bed; it lengthens the path of those gases to give additional time for combustion and it prevents cool air reaching the fire tubes as it enters the firebox door. It also serves to radiate heat from the fire to the firebox, adding efficiency of firing and in this process using less fuel.
The hot gases are drawn through long tubes (also referred to as flues) surrounded by water in the boiler barrel, to the smokebox at the front of the engine. On superheated locomotive boilers, these tubes are of two types, small ones of about 1¾ - 2¼ inches in diameter and large flues of 5 - 5½ inches diameter. We will get into the differences in the two types of steam later on in this instruction, but for now we will just say that the difference is between wet (or saturated) and dry (or superheated).
The saturated steam that is generated collects above the water in the boiler. Its journey to the cylinders is controlled by the throttle valve operated from within the cab by the throttle handle. It travels through the main steam pipe (and on superheated locomotives) to the superheater header, which is divided into two separate areas. The saturated steam at a temperature of about 390 F passes through the superheater elements and increasing its temperature to about 650 F. Returning to the other side of the superheater header, the superheated steam flows via steam pipes to the valves and then on to the cylinders.
The gases from the fire, now much cooler after giving up much of their heat to the water and steam, are ejected through the stack. This is greatly assisted by the exhaust steam from the cylinders passing through the reduced orifice of the blast pipe (also called the nosil) at high speed, and capturing the gases on the way. By this method the smokebox maintains a partial vacuum that provides a draw on the fire.
Replacement water is forced into the boiler by injectors, maintaining a safe level above the crown sheet. Safety valves on top of the boiler release steam when the pressure within the boiler rises above a predetermined level. We will get into the water system in a little bit. First, how we create the heat.
The Firebox
The firebox of a steam locomotive is designed to burn fuel efficiently and produce adequate heat to boil water, and in doing so, create steam. Firebox widths vary from those that overlap the engine frame and wheels to the type that is waisted to fit between the frames. The top of the firebox may round and therefore follow the circular profile of the boiler barrel, or roughly flat known as the Belpaire type. This latter firebox is more costly to produce but it gives more steam space at the top where it needed most. The firebox consists of an inner and outer shell. The space between the inner and outer shells, usually 3 to 4 inches at the sides but 1½ to 2 feet at the top, is controlled by metal staysbolts that travel between the two sheets and allow for the expansion of the firebox as a whole, and hold the firebox together. The level of water that surrounds the inner sheets is controlled by the injectors that force water from the tender into the boiler, however as a safety feature, if the water level should drop below the crown sheet, fusible plugs made from a low melting-point alloy, melt and help to extinguish the fire.
The grates at the base of the firebox consist of cast-iron firebars with air spaces between. The amount of air admitted through the grates to the underside of the fire is adjusted by damper doors (on engines that are so equipped) in the ash pan. Additional air is admitted through the firebox door, and allowed to assist with combustion. This helps with complete combustion of the gases within the firebox and reduces the periods when unburnt fuel is drawn off the firebed, reducing unwanted smoke and blocking the boiler tubes.
The Fire
We need a fire to provide the heat to boil the water to produce the steam to drive the engine to pull the train. This is the basic concept, regardless of what the fuel source is. Keep in mind that for the different types of fuel systems, there will be differences in the basics of how fuel is administered into the combustion chamber (firebox), but the underlying principals are the same.
As the Engineer opens the throttle he uses steam. The further he opens the throttle, the more steam is required, and so the boiler will have to make more steam to replace that used by the Engineer. It is necessary therefore to increase the amount of fuel supplied to the fire to maintain the pressure in the boiler, as more fuel makes more heat that boils more water which turns into steam. Fortunately, the exhaust steam going up the stack (with each “chuff”) draws air through the bottom of the firebox, so providing oxygen that allows the fuel to burn. As the locomotive works harder, more air is drawn through, giving more oxygen and allowing us to increase the amount of fuel that can be burnt.
Fuel is fed by the fireman by hand or via a stoker system on coal burning locomotives or by gravity from the fuel tank to the burner on oil burning locomotives. Determining when and how much fuel to add to the fire is a craft that will have to be learned through lots of practice, and instruction. So first we will go through coal operations, and the basics of how to “read” the fire.
When you look into the firebox, you will begin to notice differences in colors in the fire. For the most part, and to keep things simple at this point, you will be looking for two different things, light and dark. Light spots in your fire are the points where it is burning hot. The whiter the color, the hotter the fire. If you see darker spots, these are places where your fire is burning cool, or may even be out (if the spot is black). Maintaining an even color, with no black spots should be the goal of any fireman. This is done in many different ways, but the most important thing to remember is to stay on top of the fire, because it can go from a nice burn to dead in a very short period of time. Make sure that when you are firing you not only communicate with your Engineer on what his plans are, but you also watch the fire and the stack. A lot of what is going on in the fire can be determined by what is coming out of the stack without having to spend time with the firebox door open staring into the fire. Here is the basic principal behind using your stack to “read the fire”.
Air versus fuel and combustion:
Balancing the amount of air versus fuel is the main responsibility of the fireman as far as maintenance of the fire is concerned. This is done by watching the stack to let the engine tell you what it needs. In a perfect balance of fire to air, the stack will be light grey. This means that you are getting the most efficiency out of your fuel to air mixture, and not making the neighbors mad with huge plums of black smoke. Basic rule of thumb is this…Black smoke=not enough air flowing through the firebox (you are choking the fire out)…Light grey smoke=you are right on the money…No or white smoke=the fire is getting too much air, or you have holes (those black spots where the fire has died out, or may have fallen through the grates) in the fire.
“Now hold on a minute…every time I put coal on the fire I get plumes of thick black smoke…” Yes, on coal burning engines you see this a lot. What you are seeing is what is called “burn off”. When coal is added to the fire the outer coating of the coal (the part that doesn’t really burn) is expelled out of the stack creating plumes of thick black smoke. This can be controlled by “spot firing” or staggering your firing technique to allow the “burn off” process to take place. Sometimes this is just not possible to do due to constraints placed upon you by how the engine is acting on a particular day, and or requirements on your steam production placed on you by your Engineer. The goal for you however is to minimize the amount of time you have to spend in a “full burn off”. A “full burn off” is what happens when you, for example, coat the entire fire over causing a prolonged period of that thick black smoke.
There has to be some way of replacing the water the Engineer uses (as steam) as he runs the train. This is done by a piece of equipment called an Injector, which uses steam from the boiler to force cold water from the water tanks into the boiler at higher pressure than the steam inside. Each locomotive is fitted with two injectors, but normally only one is used. The injector (some firemen call it “the Gun”) has two valves to operate it: one for water and one for steam.
As the steam is used to make the locomotive move, the water level in the boiler drops. Before it drops too far it is necessary to turn on the injector and replace the water that has been converted to steam in the boiler. Needless to say, there is a technique to working injectors. First, turn on the water valve fully. Look outside of the cab and check that water is coming out of the overflow pipe. The injector has to be cold to work properly and so running some cold water through it in this way will help us. Then turn on the steam valve. The injector should then start to feed water into the boiler. If all is well you may hear it making a “singing” noise and the water from the overflow pipe will either vanish or just be a small dribble. Your fireman will show the exact technique to the juggling of handles and valves. When enough water has been put in the boiler it is time to turn the injector off. This is done in reverse order, so turn off the steam valve first followed by the water valve. (EXCEPT IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, NEVER DROP THE PRESSURE IN THE BOILER MORE THAN 10PSI AT A TIME!!! This places a lot of stress on the boiler from excess heating and cooling, and is just bad practice)
The Gauge Glass (also called the water glass) will tell you how much water is in the boiler.
You must keep the water visible. It must not vanish out of the bottom of the glass tube for any length of time. At all times the water level must not be allowed to drop below the crown sheet. The gauge glass works on the principle of a liquid always finding its own level. Remember this especially when the locomotive is in motion, as the water level in the glass will “bob” up and down. Sometimes the movement of the water can be extreme, so plan for this. For example, if the water moves half a glass during a sudden stop then make sure to always have wiggle room in your water level so that the CROWN SHEET IS ALWAYS COVERED!!!!! In the diagram the yellow area represents steam (the Steam Space) and the green area represents water (the Water Space). The process of turning on and off of the injector is a continuous process, as the pressure and water level in the boiler rises and falls and the demands on the locomotive change.
For the technically minded, here is a brief description on how an injector works:
Problem: As our engine boils water to go “chuff” the water level in the boiler reduces and needs to be replaced.
Solution: The injector. The injector has three cones. The first two point forward and the last one points backwards. The first one (the steam cone) has boiler steam squirted through it. This trades its pressure for velocity so now we have our steam going quickly in the direction of the boiler. We then dump cold water from the water tank on to the steam. The steam condenses and imparts its velocity to the water as it is squirted through the second cone (the combining cone). So now we have our slightly warmer water going quickly in the direction of the boiler. The last cone (the delivery cone) is the other way round and converts our velocity to pressure so we now have high-pressure water heading for the boiler at a pressure high enough to get through the check valve and into the boiler. If there is too much water, or insufficient steam, the delivery cone fails to function and the water and steam are ejected through the overflow pipe. Don’t worry too much if you seem to be putting the injector on and off at odd times when you don’t think it’s necessary – the fireman will explain why. You may also find that you do not have enough hands, as there are times when you need to do three things at once, but your fireman will always be there to help you. The main thing is not to panic as there are years of experience standing next to you! Things will get easier to understand and do as you get more time on the engine.
Saturated VS Superheated Steam
A superheater is a device used to convert saturated steam or wet steam into dry steam used for power generation or processes. There are three types of superheaters namely: radiant, convection, and separately fired. A superheater can vary in size from a few tens of feet to several hundred feet. Here is where the different types are located. A radiant superheater is placed directly in the combustion chamber, a convection superheater is located in the path of the hot gases, and a separately fired superheater, as its name implies, is totally separated from the boiler. A superheater is a device in a steam engine, when considering locomotives, that heats the steam generated by the boiler again, increasing its thermal energy and decreasing the likelihood that it will condense inside the engine. Superheaters increase the efficiency of the steam engine, and were widely adopted. Steam which has been superheated is logically known as superheated steam; non-superheated steam is called saturated steam or wet steam. The introduction of superheating was the single most important development for the steam locomotive. Superheating increases the power output of a locomotive by up to 25%, with equivalent savings in coal and water, over non-superheated engines. Its widespread use from 1910 coincided with the needs from the railway operators for heavier trains to be hauled at higher speeds.
In steam locomotive use, by far the most common form of superheater is the fire-tube type. This takes the saturated steam supplied in the dry pipe into a superheater header mounted against the tube sheet in the smokebox. The steam is then passed through a number of superheater elements (long pipes which are placed inside special, widened fire tubes, also called flues). Hot combustion gases from the locomotive's fire pass through these flues just like they do the tubes, and as well as heating the water they also heat the steam inside the superheater elements they flow over. The superheater element doubles back on itself so that the heated steam can return (most do this twice at the fire end and once at the smokebox end), so that the steam travels a distance of four times the header's length while being heated. The superheated steam, at the end of its journey through the elements, passes into a separate compartment of the superheater header and then to the cylinders as normal.
Steam generated in a boiler is known as saturated steam due to high moisture content since it is in contact with the water. In a superheated boiler, this steam is passed through the throttle valve and main steam pipe to the superheater header and into the superheater elements within the large flue tubes. This superheated steam is then returned to the superheater header to be sent to the cylinders. The moisture that was present in the saturated steam is turned into additional steam and if its temperature is raised high enough, the steam approaches the condition of a perfect gas, progressively expanding as more heat is absorbed.
Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught. JC Watts
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to include tomato in a fruit salid.
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to include tomato in a fruit salid.