by Gilbert B Norman
While Rep Harley Staggers (D-MD2) is often noted as the first Member of Congress to blatantly "politicize" the Amtrak route map with his "insistence" upon establishing a useless Wash-Parkersburg route, how many of those critics realize how he saved the railroad industry, with his "shepherding" of the Deregulation Act through two Houses and then to President Carter, bearing his name.
I think, with our economy facing its greatest assault in modern times, the Wall Street Journal has offered an Editorial noting the significance of this Act to the economy as a whole: ... 1602628514
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I think, with our economy facing its greatest assault in modern times, the Wall Street Journal has offered an Editorial noting the significance of this Act to the economy as a whole: ... 1602628514
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The term “deregulation” has become polarized in Washington. But there was a time when both parties could agree on the benefit of targeted regulatory reform.Of course, some group of railroad shippers has to feel aggrieved:
The bipartisan Staggers Rail Act of 1980, passed by a Democratic Congress and signed by President Jimmy Carter, deregulated the freight railroad industry. When Mr. Carter signed the law on Oct. 14, he said that “by stripping away needless and costly regulation in favor of marketplace forces wherever possible, this act will . . . benefit shippers throughout the country by encouraging railroads to improve their equipment and better tailor their service to shipper needs.” ... 1603227267
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In “When Democrats Were Deregulators” (op-ed, Oct. 14), Association of American Railroads CEO Ian Jefferies praises the Staggers Rail Act for leading to “targeted deregulation.” Unfortunately for the businesses that rely on freight rail, the term “targeted” is code for preserving certain outdated regulatory policies that favor and protect the railroads from truly competing in the marketplace."We report, you decide"
There is no doubt that the Staggers Act helped save the nation’s rail network from collapse. But more work is needed to realize the landmark law’s vision of a competitive rail industry.