by markhb
The state Portland to Auburn Rail Use Advisory Council has recommended that the tracks be taken up from the currrent EOT just outside Danville Jct. to Portland, apparently even including the Narrow Gauge (at least the way the report reads), and a walking and bike trail be installed.
The report notes that this is considered an interim state, since state law forbids the permanent abandonment of any state-owned rail lines.
The report notes that this is considered an interim state, since state law forbids the permanent abandonment of any state-owned rail lines.
"...And then I thought, every time some company creates a more powerful locomotive does Superman become more powerful as well or is he stuck at 1938 locomotive power levels?" - A friend of mine elsewhere
Anything I post here is mine alone and does not represent the views of my employer.
Anything I post here is mine alone and does not represent the views of my employer.