by Gilbert B Norman
Over at General Class I Discussion: "Fascinating Article..." topic, Mr. Gadfly notes:
In addition to Mr. Gadfly's recollections, all of which I accept, we should also note that there were "$$ and ¢¢" reasons for SRY to stay out.
First, we must remember that the "entry fee" to Amtrak was measured upon Calendar Year 1969 passenger train losses. Roads had the choice of paying 200% of their avoidable (as determined by Amtrak consultants) or 100% of fully allocated costs as reported to the ICC. Naturally, under either method, if a road's passenger traffic had remained stable between that period and Enactment, that would provide far greater incentive for a road to sign up as distinct from a road that had been successful in "self help" in killing passenger trains subsequent to the 1969 measuring period.
I think SRY fell into that latter group, as did other holdouts such as DRGW and RI. Think of the trains that SRY whacked using their "nowhere to nowhere" strategy, Fort Mill-Warrenville", 'Council GA", York AL, that resulted in State regulatory jurisdiction of the trains - and SRY had good reason to hold they "owned" those State regulatory agencies. Therefore why pay an entry fee based on 1969 losses when we had whack a lot of those losses on our own? But the law was the law.
Further, with an operating HQ in Atlanta and a Corporate HQ in Wash, SRY had a fair amount of corporate travel between those points, the Southern Crescent's schedule could not be more convenient for overnight travel, and in a still regulated airline environment, anything that would be paid out to Delta Airlines and/or NetJets (depending upon where one stood on the pecking order), an offset to the losses incurred by 1 & 2.
Oh and finally, I know first hand how classy an operation SRY had both before and into the Amtrak era.
Gadfly wrote:Don't forget Southern Railway System who also declined to join Amtrak and continued on into 1979 with the "Southern Crescent' from New York to New Orleans.Since that topic relates to a TRAINS article that addresses thirteen points, and of which only two are passenger related, I have chosen to submit additional discussion of Mr. Gadfly's SRY passenger related points over here. For ready reference, I have posted an X-ref there to this topic.
Amtrak was used to dealing with marginally successful, even near-bankrupt Class I's, and thought they could dictate to Southern like all the rest. SR explored the possibility of joining Amtrak in '71, but discovered that Amtrak was going to clutter up Southern's most profitable routes with passenger trains, indeed, demanding to do so. I believe it was Claytor or L Stanley Crane ( I forget which), according to our internal "railroad rumor mill", that told Amtrak in no uncertain terms to go f*** themselves: He'd run the Crescent for FREE and lose the 2 million or so it was costing before they or any other sumb*tches would tell Southern what to do!!!!!! SR could AFFORD to absorb this cost, and continued to make good profits and pay nice dividends until 1979 and on into its merger with NW in 1982! Amtrak didn't know how to deal with a very independent-minded and profitable road such as Southern whose previous president, one Dennis Brosnan, struck terror in the minds of railroad employees AND government officials alike! it was this hell-on-wheels approach of this former CEO and past presidents with aggressive and shrewd attitude that had made Southern Railway an envy of much larger railroads! Yet it is one of the more "overlooked" railroads (by railfans and historians) when its achievements (such as standing up to ICC in the grain carload lawsuit against them and WINNING) are many and varied. Unfortunately, you don't see much about Southern in the railroad press. To read its history and achievements is truly enlightening! Its slogans, "Look Ahead, Look South", and "Southern Gives a Green Light to Innovations" were not invented, but EARNED--often to the consternation and puzzlement of rival roads.
I count it a privilege to have worked FOR Southern Railway System,then Norfolk Southern, and to have ridden the cabs of the Crescent many times!
In addition to Mr. Gadfly's recollections, all of which I accept, we should also note that there were "$$ and ¢¢" reasons for SRY to stay out.
First, we must remember that the "entry fee" to Amtrak was measured upon Calendar Year 1969 passenger train losses. Roads had the choice of paying 200% of their avoidable (as determined by Amtrak consultants) or 100% of fully allocated costs as reported to the ICC. Naturally, under either method, if a road's passenger traffic had remained stable between that period and Enactment, that would provide far greater incentive for a road to sign up as distinct from a road that had been successful in "self help" in killing passenger trains subsequent to the 1969 measuring period.
I think SRY fell into that latter group, as did other holdouts such as DRGW and RI. Think of the trains that SRY whacked using their "nowhere to nowhere" strategy, Fort Mill-Warrenville", 'Council GA", York AL, that resulted in State regulatory jurisdiction of the trains - and SRY had good reason to hold they "owned" those State regulatory agencies. Therefore why pay an entry fee based on 1969 losses when we had whack a lot of those losses on our own? But the law was the law.
Further, with an operating HQ in Atlanta and a Corporate HQ in Wash, SRY had a fair amount of corporate travel between those points, the Southern Crescent's schedule could not be more convenient for overnight travel, and in a still regulated airline environment, anything that would be paid out to Delta Airlines and/or NetJets (depending upon where one stood on the pecking order), an offset to the losses incurred by 1 & 2.
Oh and finally, I know first hand how classy an operation SRY had both before and into the Amtrak era.