by Sid Farkus
Hey everyone, I've read in the past on here and have seen some photos of the Comet IA/II/IIA/III and Shorelines that operated on Metro-North's West-of-Hudson service and had some questions. I was hoping to have this as a centralized topic of this equipment as there are some scattered threads on here from the past. I appreciate any insight and if anyone has any photos of this equipment from their archives, I would certainly like to see them. Here's some of the questions that I have.
1. What was the purpose of Metro-North ordering the Comet III cab cars? Were they an add-on order to NJ Transit's or simply their own order? It doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense to order only two cab cars and not have them compatible to any other preexisting equipment that ran on their lines.
2. Did Metro-North sell the two Comet II cab cars they received from NJ Transit when they traded their Comet III cabs? Both cars were converted to Comet IIM's and relettered/renumbered to NJ Transit's fleet.
3. What was the reasoning for the Shoreliners arriving to WOH? They were never originally on WOH and arrived I think some time in 1998?
4. Was there any reasoning to the Shoreliners losing their names/changing numbers/changing names when arriving on WOH? I've seen 5174 (Originally 6117 Sugar Maple) had "Harriman" as its name on WOH, but in some photos/videos the name was removed and 5174 was were the name would be on a Shoreliner. George Clinton was one of the Shoreliners to keep its original name, but some were renamed to Sloatsburg, Middletown, and Salisbury Mills.
5. Were there any difficulties in converting the WOH Comet II/Shoreliner fleet for EOH standards? On my thread regarding ex-NJT 5009 and 5010, I was informed that the costs to convert those two cars to EOH standards was too great to convert for passenger use. I would imagine the Shoreliners were a simple transition, but what about the Comet II/IIA's?
1. What was the purpose of Metro-North ordering the Comet III cab cars? Were they an add-on order to NJ Transit's or simply their own order? It doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense to order only two cab cars and not have them compatible to any other preexisting equipment that ran on their lines.
2. Did Metro-North sell the two Comet II cab cars they received from NJ Transit when they traded their Comet III cabs? Both cars were converted to Comet IIM's and relettered/renumbered to NJ Transit's fleet.
3. What was the reasoning for the Shoreliners arriving to WOH? They were never originally on WOH and arrived I think some time in 1998?
4. Was there any reasoning to the Shoreliners losing their names/changing numbers/changing names when arriving on WOH? I've seen 5174 (Originally 6117 Sugar Maple) had "Harriman" as its name on WOH, but in some photos/videos the name was removed and 5174 was were the name would be on a Shoreliner. George Clinton was one of the Shoreliners to keep its original name, but some were renamed to Sloatsburg, Middletown, and Salisbury Mills.
5. Were there any difficulties in converting the WOH Comet II/Shoreliner fleet for EOH standards? On my thread regarding ex-NJT 5009 and 5010, I was informed that the costs to convert those two cars to EOH standards was too great to convert for passenger use. I would imagine the Shoreliners were a simple transition, but what about the Comet II/IIA's?
"If pizzas were manhole covers, the sewer would be a paradise." -Ed Norton