• Septa Trolley Modernization - Alstom Fleet

  • Discussion relating to Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (Philadelphia Metro Area). Official web site can be found here: www.septa.com. Also including discussion related to the PATCO Speedline rapid transit operated by Delaware River Port Authority. Official web site can be found here: http://www.ridepatco.org/.
Discussion relating to Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (Philadelphia Metro Area). Official web site can be found here: www.septa.com. Also including discussion related to the PATCO Speedline rapid transit operated by Delaware River Port Authority. Official web site can be found here: http://www.ridepatco.org/.

Moderator: AlexC

  by Myrtone
But it seems the Ottawa variant have pivoting bogies while the Philadelphia one will have fixed bogies.
  by bellstbarn
Do we know how many seats will be in the Alstom cars? I prefer to sit as I ride.
Joe, who rode from 30th Street to the Fairmont Park trolley aboard (as I recall) a Peter Witt.
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