Discussion relating to the operations of MTA MetroNorth Railroad including west of Hudson operations and discussion of CtDOT sponsored rail operations such as Shore Line East and the Springfield to New Haven Hartford Line

Moderators: GirlOnTheTrain, nomis, FL9AC, Jeff Smith

  by TacSupport1
Metro-North rail-traffic control staff has worked 7 days straight for ‘weeks on end’

A shortage of workers has deprived the staff of days off, resulting in a fatigued workforce responsible for ensuring trains don’t run into each other or run over employees along the tracks. The shortage is one of the shocking revelations found in a 75-page transcript of an interview with MTA Chairman Tom Prendergast by the National Transportation Safety Board.
Daily News Article: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/met ... -1.1971970" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
  by RearOfSignal
This is the media not knowing what it's talking about. The RTC's are under HOS regulations mandated by the FRA. Even if the RTC worked 30 days in a row, it can still be within federal guidelines. Dispatch employees are not under the same regulations as train employees.
  by DutchRailnut
a RTC(dispatcher) is limited by FRA rules to 9 hours per day and 15 hours rest, according to one of the RTC's.
yes they can work 7 days a week.