Discussion relating to the operations of MTA MetroNorth Railroad including west of Hudson operations and discussion of CtDOT sponsored rail operations such as Shore Line East and the Springfield to New Haven Hartford Line

Moderators: GirlOnTheTrain, nomis, FL9AC, Jeff Smith

  by n2qmt
This is a crosspost from the Employment board....

Hello all,

I am considering a change of jobs/industry to go work for MNRR as an Asst Conductor. I am currently a Chief Flight Dispatcher for a regional airline near Denver, CO. I have a number of questions to ask and I would appreciate any feedback...

1. I do not want to open a can of worms here regarding pay. I have read the previous posts on the subject and I am NOT interested in what individual people in different crafts are making. MN has published the wage scale for Asst Conductor on their website so what I want to find out is what the scale is for Conductor and for Engineer. What percentage of a bump does each new craft give you? Again, please, nothing specific to any individual. This obviously for me (and my family) is a huge consideration to determine if we can make this move.

2. I understand how the bidding process works for the most part. I know about the Extra list too...How long currently, should I expect to be on the Extra List before I can hold a job?

3. While on the Extra List, how much (or little ) lead time do you have to report to work. Also, if I lived near Poughkeepsie, would I be required to report to say New Haven or could it be narrowed to Brewster, Croton, or GCT?

4. Do you get paid while on the Extra List if you are not called for work and if so, at what rate?

5. What are the Health benefit premiums like? How is the coverage? 401k? If so, does MN contribute?

I can probably think of dozens of more questions but I'll hold off and spare all of you! If you care to share something that you do not want posted to the Board, please PM me. Thanks in advance for any help. Cheers!

John Velez

  by DutchRailnut
most questions will be answered during your orientation meeting.

on MNCR there is a guaranteed extra list, so if not called you get a 8 hour payment.

yes if your living in Poughkeepsie you may end up with a job in New York or New Haven or anywere on system.
normaly a 2 hour call is given for any job.

Your starting salary would be 75% of assistand conductors rate, with 5% wage progression to full rate. yes MNCR has a 401 or 457 plan. no MNCR does not contribute. new Hirees pay a a small percentage of health plan payments.
  by mkm4
n2qmt wrote:This is a crosspost from the Employment board....

Hello all,

I am considering a change of jobs/industry to go work for MNRR as an Asst Conductor. I am currently a Chief Flight Dispatcher for a regional airline near Denver, CO. I have a number of questions to ask and I would appreciate any feedback...

John Velez
Have you read this article from the Poughkeepsie Journal: Train conductors wear many hats

  by Otto Vondrak
From what I understand, many new conductors spend their first few years on the job living the apartment lifestyle until they can hold down a regular job. You can reach nearly any terminal on the Hudson or Harlem Lines from Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess in two hours. Making it to New Haven from an apartment in Poughkeepsie might be stretching things a bit...

... so- what brings you to MN?


  by w2dsx
Too bad the NH YMCA still wasn't around. Are there any informal or formal "crashpads" for crews around the system?

  by n2qmt

... so- what brings you to MN?
Well, its really about security. The airline industry is not a place I think I can retire in 25 years (even if I could, I'd probably have to move my family a half dozen times). My family and my wife's family both live in NY or MA so we are kind of out on the perverbial island out here. I also wish I'd applied 15 years ago when I had the chance to. Finally, railroading is a career I konw I'd enjoy and that's probably the most important thing. I like people and I don't mind working funky hours...done that my whole life. In fact, I don't know what I'd do with a 9-5 job :-) Cheers!


I'm also looking for an old Metro-North engineer friend of mine. Someone I knew 15-20 years ago. If you think you may be able to help me locate him, please PM me. Thanks!!

  by Terminal Proceed
send me the name of the engineer you are looking for OFF THE FORUM - and I will make some inquiries at work about him for you.
