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General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.

Moderator: Jeff Smith

  by M&Eman
Why are there so many people on this board from the Ny Metropolitian Area? Jersey in particular. The second and third largest boards are NJT and LIRR and MN NJ Railfan and NY Railfan are in the top 10. Is this site based in NYC?
Last edited by M&Eman on Sun Feb 12, 2006 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

  by Reddy Rocker
Not necessarily, but as Mike, Otto and Jessy are all from NY, this statistic should not be that surprising.

  by stilson4283
It is just where the word is out right now. If you want to get more people from your area on the board talk up the site or print out some information and post it at local shows. It is the best way to expand the member base and the information base.


  by joshuahouse
The site has always been out of the Rochester NY area so it has naturally had a east coast bent to it. At one time there were only about five fourms and it was a big deal when PA got one to itself.

  by Otto Vondrak
There have always been more than five forums, even in the days when John Stewart hosted the site.

We have a healthy midwestern population on here as well. We dont seem to catch on with the west coast crowd too much- they have Trainorders.com, or so it seems.

Tell your friends how great our site is!


If I could buy some RR.NET swag, with Paypal, I could do some "advertising" all over the place. Would love to buy one of those RR.NET photographer shirts............ :wink:

  by Otto Vondrak
At this time the store is a third party site, so we can't add on the functionality of paypal... but we'd like to! CafePress is a secure site, order with confidence and help support this site.
