• Why did Soo Line Trains swith Chicago Terminals?

  • This forum is for discussion of "Fallen Flag" roads not otherwise provided with a specific forum. Fallen Flags are roads that no longer operate, went bankrupt, or were acquired or merged out of existence.
This forum is for discussion of "Fallen Flag" roads not otherwise provided with a specific forum. Fallen Flags are roads that no longer operate, went bankrupt, or were acquired or merged out of existence.

Moderator: Nicolai3985

  by AmtrakFan
In 1965 Soo Line swithced Chicago Terminals from Grand Central the BO station to Central St. the IC station. Was their a reason for that move? Also did WC own Grand Central at one time?

  by SPUI
Not sure about the Soo Line, but Grand Central was owned by the B&OCT and its predecessors. From 1890 to 1893 it was leased by the Wisconsin Central, which was leased to the Northern Pacific. But the Panic of 1893 hit and the Chicago and Northern Pacific, which owned the station and approach tracks, was bought by the Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad in 1897. From 1899 to 1912 the WC used Central, and then of course after 1965. Both times it switched to the IHB at Franklin Park and the IC (Freeport) at Broadview.