• The Short Line Magazine

  • Web-Site: http://www.pioneer-railcorp.com/index.html: Alabama Railroad Co. (ALAB); Decatur Junction Railway Co. (DT); Elkhart & Western Railroad Co. (EWR); Fort Smith Railroad Co. (FSR); Garden City Western Railway, Inc. (GCW); Gettysburg & Northern Railroad Co. (GET); Georgia Southern Railway Co. (GS); Indiana Southwestern Railway Co. (ISW); Keokuk Junction Railway Co. (KJRY); Kendallville Terminal Railway Co. (KTR); Michigan Southern Railroad Company (MSO); Mississippi Central Railroad Co. (MSCI; Napoleon, Defiance & Western Railway (NDW); Pioneer Industrial Railway Co. (PRY); Ripley & New Albany Railroad Co. (RNA); Shawnee Terminal Railway Company (STR); Vandalia Railroad Co. (VRRC);
Web-Site: http://www.pioneer-railcorp.com/index.html: Alabama Railroad Co. (ALAB); Decatur Junction Railway Co. (DT); Elkhart & Western Railroad Co. (EWR); Fort Smith Railroad Co. (FSR); Garden City Western Railway, Inc. (GCW); Gettysburg & Northern Railroad Co. (GET); Georgia Southern Railway Co. (GS); Indiana Southwestern Railway Co. (ISW); Keokuk Junction Railway Co. (KJRY); Kendallville Terminal Railway Co. (KTR); Michigan Southern Railroad Company (MSO); Mississippi Central Railroad Co. (MSCI; Napoleon, Defiance & Western Railway (NDW); Pioneer Industrial Railway Co. (PRY); Ripley & New Albany Railroad Co. (RNA); Shawnee Terminal Railway Company (STR); Vandalia Railroad Co. (VRRC);

Moderator: Aa3rt

  by charding
Didn’t Pioneer once publish this magazine? I miss it. Lots of info on short lines.
  by Jeff Smith
A Google search did not yield much. Pioneer was acquired by Patriot Rail, so it may have gone the way of the Dodo. I did find a newsletter from early 2022: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://pioneerlines.com/wp-content/upl ... 202206.pdf

There was a web-page, but it is defunct: http://www.the-short-line.com/Subscription.htm
  by mowingman
It was first published by a gentleman in South Carolina. At some point, he either retired or passed away. Pioneer Lines then took over publishing the magazine for a while. I am not sure how long that lasted.