by westr
pdxstreetcar wrote:anyhow shuttle buses were out today... the fast 27 minute rail trip from wilsonville to beaverton was supposed to take 55 minutes by shuttle bus except the bus i was on took 75 minutes... a passenger suggested the driver go into the parking lot of hall/nimbus station which wouldnt have been a bad idea except for the tight 90 degree turn required to leave the parking lot which was clearly not designed for a 40 ft bus, had to then back out of the parking lot the full length of it very slowly. fortunately we had a driver that knew how to operate the bus well (plus helpful passengers) because backing a bus in that skinny parking lot is definitely not easy. meanwhile while we are in reverse we see the northbound train enter and leave the station. the one that left wilsonville 30 minutes after we did.When I rode WES on "opening day" on Jan 30 there was quite a line at Beaverton so I took the shuttle bus back and the same thing happened, and no one actually got on or off the bus at Hall/Nimbus anyway. I would've thought after that Trimet would've told drivers not to enter that "parking lot" that is really more of an alley with diagonal parking on one side. On the other hand, if they had a wider exit, which there is room for, a full length bus would have no problem getting out. Our driver almost did it. His mirrors vs the fence seemed to be a lot of the problem.