by markhb
NNEPRA (the agency that sponsors the Amtrak Downeaster) has published a study of what it would take to run commuter service on the former Maine Central Mountain Division. It's pricey, but there's also a private entity (Rock Row, being built by Waterstone Properties) that is highly interested since the line bisects their property.
The rail service would require significant infrastructure improvements at an estimated cost of $70.8 million in addition to vehicle costs of $24 million to $42.6 million, depending on the type of train used and the frequency of service. Operation and maintenance would cost between $7 million and $13 million annually, the study estimates.Those numbers include a fair-sized line extension down to Commercial Street to bring passengers closer to downtown.
Quinn said the study is intended as a discussion-starter, and that no specific funding plan for the project has been determined. She said such a project likely would require private capital as well as local, state and federal dollars.
"...And then I thought, every time some company creates a more powerful locomotive does Superman become more powerful as well or is he stuck at 1938 locomotive power levels?" - A friend of mine elsewhere
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Anything I post here is mine alone and does not represent the views of my employer.