Discussion related to commuter rail and rapid transit operations in the Chicago area including the South Shore Line, Metra Rail, and Chicago Transit Authority.

Moderators: metraRI, JamesT4

  by doepack
UP work crews were out today at the Glen Ellyn station, and a 20-foot section of the platform where the crosswalk was originally removed has now been blocked off. I'd been hearing rumblings that the crosswalk was going to be restored, and if so, I think the letter sent to UP by Glen Ellyn village president Vicky Hase may have had more than a little to do with it. To see her letter in its entireity, visit:


  by MetraBNSF
Geneva is now slated to have the pedestrian crosswalk in front of the station removed:

http://www.dailyherald.com/search/searc ... ?id=144282

Beginning next week, many Metra commuters leaving from Geneva will get more exercise on the way to work.

One of two crosswalks near Geneva’s Third Street train depot will be permanently removed, Geneva’s city administrator, Phil Page, said at Monday’s committee of the whole meeting.

“We don’t have any control over this. This is a safety concern,” Page said. “This is certainly an inconvenience to commuters who are used to doing this for years.”

The Union Pacific Railroad will remove the crosswalk on Jan. 22.

The crossing would have become a safety hazard after Jan. 23, when Metra service will be extended from Geneva to Elburn, Thomas A Zapler, Union Pacific’s special representative for government affairs, told Geneva Mayor Kevin Burns in a letter dated Jan. 16.

Currently, all commuter trains on the route stop in Geneva. In off-peak hours, their stay in the city can last 20 minutes.

After next week’s change, rush-hour trains that originated and terminated in West Chicago will start and end in Elburn.

The express trains, which run up to 50 miles per hour, will not stop in Geneva.

“Due to the fact that there will now be express commuter trains operating through Geneva, the Union Pacific is very concerned that the commuters not familiar with express trains will mistakenly use the pedestrian crosswalk and walk in front of an express train, thinking the express train was going to stop at Geneva,” Zapler wrote. “Some residents and commuters will be inconvenienced, but we are sure that we are doing the right thing.”

  by c604.
How about just some nice BIG signs saying "WARING, new high speed express trains running, do not cross tracks when lights are flashing and bells are ringing" Does that not work anymore? I swear, its like they preceive people as a herd of animals that unknowingly will run off a cliff and its their duty to protect them from that. Isn't the road crossing still going to be there at Geneva though??? Too bad the Metra officals on the Milwaukee west line don't have this same concern for their passengers when it comes to crosswalks...

  by doepack
While I agree with the removal, it should be noted that most commuters are creatures of habit, especially when their trains have been running pretty much the same way for decades. Extra signage would help, but at some point, people will have to take it upon themselves to recognize the changes and adjust accordingly. But in this day and age, that might be too much to ask...