by CPF66
GTIKING wrote: I understand Mellon wanting to cash out before the sale. But to play devils advocate, why the hell aren't they rebuilding these GP40s?? They're prime candidates for a -3 specs, especially with the shortage and high price tag for 4 axles in todays age.If anything those will get dispose of fairly quickly on the CSX surplus site. CSX has a lot of 4 axle EMD power in storage, so I would be surprised if they got rebuilt. I am sure that GMTX would be willing to add 20-30 more units to the lease fleet. Although, I could see some of the former GMTX rebuilds (345, 503, 507, and 3405) sticking around since those are still in fairly decent condition. The rest of the 3400 fleet, from my observations has been beat pretty hard. I think out of the 3400-3404, the 3401 and 3403 are the only two that are still half decent runners. As for the other 3, they have had atleast two end up with freeze damage not long after arriving.
I'm hoping CSX comes in and rebuilds them