• Pan Am Worcester Main Line

  • Guilford Rail System changed its name to Pan Am Railways in 2006. Discussion relating to the current operations of the Boston & Maine, the Maine Central, and the Springfield Terminal railroads (as well as the Delaware & Hudson while it was under Guilford control until 1988). Official site can be found here: PANAMRAILWAYS.COM.
Guilford Rail System changed its name to Pan Am Railways in 2006. Discussion relating to the current operations of the Boston & Maine, the Maine Central, and the Springfield Terminal railroads (as well as the Delaware & Hudson while it was under Guilford control until 1988). Official site can be found here: PANAMRAILWAYS.COM.

Moderator: MEC407

  by F74265A
Would love to know how much clearance room they gained with the new overhead beams on the still river Nashua bridge
Found some old photos online
It’s hard to tell but I’m thinking they raised the clearance only a few inches
  by copcars
Last Saturday talked to worker at RT 12 OVERHEAD bridge .He said they were going down 2 to 3 feet and had to go back 1500 feet on each side of bridge, to bring track back to grade.They had a machine that would go parallel under ties ,like a huge chain saw, with a continuous scoops on them ,Quite a few workers with a payload ,backhoe, bull dozer ballast regulator etc.He said they would be there about a week.might be done by now.
He said another company was going to raise the rail bridge in Clinton.They will have to either raise bridge with steel I beams and anchor and/or weld them to existing steel anchor bolts and or steel bridge pedestals.If they encase new steel I beams in concrete I think you could not run a train for a few days.
They might use precast concrete with an imbeedded steel I beam so the concrete is already cured on both bridge abutments and center pier.
If NS is paying for it, make a brand new bridge
They also could put track on new alignment,the bridge use to be 2 to 3 tracks, do all the abutment and pier work, on new alignment ,and move existing span or new bridge span to it. WE WILL SEE
  by neman2
The worker I talked to at Sterling St. said he heard they had considered replacing the whole bridge but they had a deadline to meet that would make that impossible. I'm sure they did a analysis weighing the alternatives to make the decision.
  by neman2
That enclosure must be be for lead paint removal. Has to be removed before any welding or cutting is done.
  by BandA
Paint? What paint?
  by F74265A
Supports seem to have new paint now.
And allegedly bridge will not be raised; just undercutting. I'm skeptical, but who knows. What is/was the purpose of the haul road up to the ag branch? we will see. I'm glad this guy is reporting on the work.

  by neman2
I'm with you on the skepticism. Like you said we will see.
  by F74265A
There’s work on the N side abutment too
Perhaps the bridge needed work anyway, but my $ is on lifting the bridge in conjunction with undercutting
  by johnhenry
Undercutting the tracks with that chainsawy looking ballast scooper at Chase Hill Rd bridge today.
  by bostontrainguy
Saw this on Facebook and had to post it here for a look at what Clinton Station and the bridge looked like long ago. Was that triple track?

  by johnpbarlow
That George Corey photo of a B&M passenger train at Clinton is a beauty!
  by F74265A
Just N (railroad east) of that location Brooks st has 5 or 6 bridge decks
So, yes, there were at least 3, and i’m pretty sure more, tracks on the wn&p at clinton union station in the past
You can see 3 in the photo. And it only shows the left half of the New Haven bridge above. The Right side has clearance for several tracks
  by jamoldover
While there might have been room for several more tracks on the (geographically) eastern side of the NH bridge over the B&M, I don't think there ever was more than one - here are two separate NH val maps showing the area around the Clinton depot (1914 & 1963), along with a B&M line plan (I'm not sure of the date). Note that all three maps show the same 4 tracks on the B&M - three alongside the station, and one on the other side of the bridge.
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  by johnpbarlow
Here are North and South views from Labor Day from the New Harbor Bridge in Clinton where it looks like the lowering of the track for double stacks has been completed.
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