In terms of train counts between N Adams and Greenfield, there are 4 daily trains: IM pair B100/B101 and NS interchange manifest pair MOED/EDMO. Beyond that, there is an "as needed" (I believe) CSX interchange manifest pair to/from Rotterdam Jct EDRJ/RJED (I read on PAS FaceBook page that EDRJ/RJED might operate once per week?). There is a Thursday only (?) E Deerfield - N Adams turn local. And a couple of times per month, loaded and empty grain trains run between NS Mohawk Yd and Ardent Mills at Ayer. Of course, once the NS IM traffic starts operating via CSX, there will be only one daily train pair plus the occasional EDRJ/RKED, AD-1, and grain trains. Things will be pretty quiet on D3!
Here's a list of B&E trains posted on - I can't vouch for its accuracy and I'm guessing operation schedules may be fluid. For example, I haven't seen a reference to a B&E train EDPO in awhile as I thought that traffic was handled between Ayer & E Deerfield via EDSA/SAED but I might be wrong. Also, increasingly there seems to be EDPW operating as an E Deerfield - Gardner turn several days per week handling P&W interchange (often a live meet with P&W WOGR/GRWO). ... n_Railroad