• Optimist seeks SPV's for private Delaware commuter line

  • Discussion about RDC's, "doodlebugs," gas-electrics, etc.
Discussion about RDC's, "doodlebugs," gas-electrics, etc.
  by andegold
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but didn't want to post this in NJT or MN either. Does anybody know why the two MN SPVs are still sitting in Harrison? They've been there close to two years I think now.
  by RedLantern
Otto Vondrak wrote:Too good not to quote...
The question is whether Povlitz's plan for a private railroad will work, since every commuter line in the nation is government-supported. State transportation officials doubt it can. Official pessimism isn't Povlitz's only hurdle: He doesn't actually own the cars yet, and he doesn't have permission from the state, the federal government or Norfolk Southern Corp., which owns the track, to run a railroad.
"We've had conversations with him off and on for the past 15 years," DelDOT spokesman Darrel Cole said. Povlitz talked to the Delmarva Rail Passenger Association recently, president Tom Posatko said. Members loved the idea. "I'm glad to hear he's still around," Posatko said. "But it seemed like a pretty brave venture to go out there on your own."
Norfolk Southern spokesman Rudy Husband is more straightforward. "We had one conversation and told him we really aren't interested," Husband said. "Any type of commuter service in Delaware on Norfolk Southern lines would have to be done through DelDOT." Povlitz is undeterred.
He would also need approval from the Federal Railroad Administration, which looks at safety issues, and the federal Surface Transportation Board, which oversees all rail operations. Despite all the hurdles he faces, Povlitz is convinced the railroad will be carrying passengers by early next summer. In fact, he expects to be overwhelmed by riders. He's already shopping around for more cars.
This reminds me of that guy in Maine who claimed that he was going to rebuild the MEC Mountain div to Class 8 and have Colorado Railcar DMUs providing high speed service between Boston and Montreal within 6 months, entirely on private funding from investors who he "wasn't allowed to identify".