by kevinli52
Was there any truth to the old story or was it a wives tail that older cars were stored somewhere below GCT?
Railroad Forums
Moderators: GirlOnTheTrain, nomis, FL9AC, Jeff Smith
H.F.Malone wrote:After Mott Haven Coach Yard closed, right around the 1968 PC merger, the lower level storage tracks, west of Track 116 or so, were designated as "Madison Avenue Coach Yard". That's where the last of the long-distance trains-- sleepers and diners--- were serviced before Amtrak came in 1971.Where did Amtrak do this work?
DutchRailnut wrote:yes it is on track opposite track 11/13 and no it is not Roosevelt car its old tool car of Harmon Wreck train, later while MN assigned to GCT wrecker.Thanks Dutch, I figured the wasn't ever used by FDR.