by jebradley
Did NYO&W have any 40' steel boxcars? If so, numbers? Lettering
scheme? My library doesn't yield answers to these queries, and would
like to add a 40' boxcar to my model pike. I would assume that
the "OW" herald in white on boxcar red occupied 1/3 to 1/2 of the
right side of car; was the herald actually so used? Was road name
lettered on left side or elsewhere? Also, most of these cars had
100,000 lb. capacity. but some older steel cars might have been 80,000
lb. Any photos available on web? Maybe someone in this group has
some answers. Thanks.
James E. Bradley Hawk Mountain Chapter N.R.H.S.
scheme? My library doesn't yield answers to these queries, and would
like to add a 40' boxcar to my model pike. I would assume that
the "OW" herald in white on boxcar red occupied 1/3 to 1/2 of the
right side of car; was the herald actually so used? Was road name
lettered on left side or elsewhere? Also, most of these cars had
100,000 lb. capacity. but some older steel cars might have been 80,000
lb. Any photos available on web? Maybe someone in this group has
some answers. Thanks.
James E. Bradley Hawk Mountain Chapter N.R.H.S.