Discussion related to commuter rail and transit operators in California past and present including Los Angeles Metrolink and Metro Subway and Light Rail, San Diego Coaster, Sprinter and MTS Trolley, Altamont Commuter Express (Stockton), Caltrain and MUNI (San Francisco), Sacramento RTD Light Rail, and others...

Moderator: lensovet

  by kevikens
Can anyone tell me about the new Muni light rail that is supposed to open about now ? I understand it operstes from the Caltrain station heading south. Does it go near Quint St. ? I intend to go there this summer and want to phptograph something going over the Quint St bridge. I saw an old SP unit on that bridge in a book and want to get something going over that bridge.

  by jwhite07
According to the MUNI website, the T/Third Street line opened on April 7. More here, including a map that should answer your questions:

http://www.sfmuni.com/cms/malerts/Major ... l72007.htm