• New Hoosac Tunnel Website.

  • Pan Am Southern (webssite: https://panamsouthern.com ) is jointly-owned by CSX and Norfolk Southern, but operated by Genesee & Wyoming subsidiary Pittsburg & Shawmut dba Berkshire and Eastern,
Pan Am Southern (webssite: https://panamsouthern.com ) is jointly-owned by CSX and Norfolk Southern, but operated by Genesee & Wyoming subsidiary Pittsburg & Shawmut dba Berkshire and Eastern,

Moderator: MEC407

  by uugh

Ok, not exactly new, as I have shown the link on a few threads here before. The new part is that it is finally done! Only things missing are a few pictures of cellarholes which weather is making difficult to get!

Anyways, if anyone finds any info one it wrong, or if there is something I missed worth adding, let me know. I did fact check most of the content, but it is a big site and was written over a long course of time so there may be slight continuity errors (esp with some dates). I'm pretty sure I already caught most of the though.


  by CSX Conductor
Double check the spelling of the word "anything" in the beginning of the 3rd paragraph, LOL. :P

Thanks for sharing the link. :wink:

  by uugh
hehe, thats what I get for making modifications in notepad!