• New England Central Railroad (NECR)

  • For discussion of the various Class II and III Lines of the Genesee & Wyoming Inc. Railroad Holding Co. short-lines which do not have their own forums as noted:

    Their website is here: GWRR.com
    A list of their holdings is here: Wikipedia List
For discussion of the various Class II and III Lines of the Genesee & Wyoming Inc. Railroad Holding Co. short-lines which do not have their own forums as noted:

Their website is here: GWRR.com
A list of their holdings is here: Wikipedia List
  by NHV 669
Amherst College Webcam got them at 10:41, 14 racks in all on the headpin. Another interesting load a few cars back of those, looked like a long container on a flat car.
  by steam1246
Has the auto traffic experiment come to an end? Any comments on its success or lack thereof? Rumor(s) out there that NS/PAS made some changes to get the traffic back.
  by NHV 669
Got a quick grab of 600 today, happened to show up in WRJ right before they left town. Here they are at Nutt Lane:

  by Rockingham Racer
Thanks! Is it correct to assume that the switch is a radio-controlled one? I don't see a signal.
  by Allouette
Switch is CTC controlled. Signals are out of the frame.
  by NHV 669
Yes, directly to my right, just into the yard. Wasnt sure, thanks for the answer. There's another one at the end of the North yard, I know both of these are somewhat new. Last 10 years or so?
  by Allouette
The ABS signals used to end just south of Nutt Lane, with CTC only between Windsor and Brattleboro. During the 2013 upgrade the ABS signals north of Windsor were added to CTC, as were the north and south switches for the NECR's White River Junction yard, so CTC extends to Mill Road at about MP 16. I think the switch at Bank (south end of the old B&M yard) is still hand-throw but with a CTC-controlled lock.

Google maps and street views images in Google Earth are all from before the rebuild, so signals (except the old ABS signal) aren't there. They do show in the satellite images in Google Earth.
  by nydepot
What is the current slate of NECR trains running in Vermont? I'm hoping for a visit in the next few months. Additionally, how often do they run on the Burlington Branch? Thanks.

  by NHV 669
The main road freights: 324 (SB) generally departs St. Albans for Brattleboro overnight Sun- Thurs, where they become 611 (turn job to Palmer). They're through WRJ in the wee hours, and are generally through Cornish/Balloch, NH before 6am. The 611 return usually occurs early afternoon, with 323 (NB) departing Bratt Monday-Friday evenings. They seem to be out of Bratt before 8pm and into WRJ somewhere around 10pm, getting up to St. Albans in the wee hours.

They still run the 500 woodchip train to Burlington, but on an as needed basis in the summer. From what I see from posts elsewhere indicates that it is generally a M-F operation, OD at St. Albans about 9am.
  by Fritz
Casey also hit the nail on the head. I'm hearing rumors that the Tuesday night 324/Wednesday night 323 may be abolished, but nothing confirmed yet. There's also a day switcher (501) in St. Albans most days, and a night local (502) that works north Swanton and south to Burlington Sunday through Thursday nights. White River has both day and night switchers (600 and 601) Sunday night through Friday. And, of course, CN runs south from the border to St. Albans 4-5 days per week.
  by NHV 669
323 finally made it north out of Brattleboro yesterday, after sitting for several days due to a washout near Putney.

Here's a quick grab of them switching in WRJ north yard, don't really have the chance to catch the road freight on Sunday or in daylight through there anymore.

  by Plate C
Heard they're washed out again in VT but that was all I heard. Anyone know where and what the progress is on it?
  by NHV 669
Somewhere near Claremont. 601 power ended up tying on last night to pull 324 south to Brattleboro.
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