• Minot hiring fair

  • General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.
General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.

Moderator: thebigc

  by mceller64
Anyone know if BNSF provides housing when arriving for the hiring fair? And what's the deal with the fair? Are you competing with a bunch of people for the job you tested for, or are you out there for physical and other tests? Sure hate to travel from southern florida and find out you might not be hired. Anyone else invited to the February 23rd session, give me a ring, and possibly split costs. 765-860-3951
  by jz441
mceller64 wrote:Anyone know if BNSF provides housing when arriving for the hiring fair?

mceller64 wrote:And what's the deal with the fair? Are you competing with a bunch of people for the job you tested for, or are you out there for physical and other tests? Sure hate to travel from southern florida and find out you might not be hired.
That is exactly how it works....
  by slchub
If it makes you feel better, I flew out to Salt Lake City from Atlanta twice before getting picked up by the railroad.

It could be worse. BNSF, NS and CSX used to ask you to pay for your training before being picked up.

In this economy I'd give it a try. But are you sure you want to live in Minot for the remainder of your career? Think about it long and hard. Once picked up, it is hard to move/transfer. The RR is a career, not a job.
  by mceller64
I don't mind the area, my kids are gone and I am from cold weather area. Hate this tropical paradise called Florida! I just don't understand why they test you, then send you way out there with a minimal chance to get hired.
  by jz441
mceller64 wrote:I just don't understand why they test you, then send you way out there with a minimal chance to get hired.
They want the commitment.
  by mceller64
Thanks for your info, much appreciated. Typically how many people are at these fairs? And how long are you there before they tell you yes or no?
  by jz441
It all depends. Just recently, they were hiring a class of 17 for LA... Out of more then 1000 applicants 120 were selected for a hiring session. About half passed the written test who were interviewed the same day. In the end, only 11 were hired. The event will tie up most of your day. As far as them notifying you about yes or no... there is no time frame.
  by Jakelkauffman
MCELLer64, did you end up going to that hiring fair?
I was at the same one, but just saw this post. If so, how did you hiring process go? any luck on anything?
I start training in Grand Forks on the 5th of May.

- Jake Kauffman
Ft. Worth, TX
  by militaryhorn
Jakelkauffman wrote:MCELLer64, did you end up going to that hiring fair?
I was at the same one, but just saw this post. If so, how did you hiring process go? any luck on anything?
I start training in Grand Forks on the 5th of May.

- Jake Kauffman
Ft. Worth, TX
In case you didn't notice, this thread was over 2 years ago unless you were at the event 2 years ago.
  by Jakelkauffman
Ha my fault. I just realized that. I was at the feb 23rd 2014 and just got hired out of Minot. Sorry misread the post.