• mineral red Burlington Northern f7a 9760

  • Discussion related to BNSF operations. Official site: BNSF.COM
Discussion related to BNSF operations. Official site: BNSF.COM

Moderator: Komachi

  by blackfeathers
My fellow railfans,

I am a through and through, Bn, Gn, Np, Soo, Cp, Cn, DM&IR fan of the Northern Minnesota. I have questions for all that can answer. I am researching the beautiful, Rare Mineral Red paint scheme of this particuliar locomotive. I am going to be collecting and detailing my very own powered HO unit of this locomotive and I would like more pictures of the front of this loco and close ups of the MU connections between the A-B units, I absolutely love the style of the f7's, so-oo aerodynamic. and today, I see the high powered ACE (forgive me, forgot the unit style name) are starting to look like the front of the f7's I ponder if that style will come out again but in the more powerful ACE units. if anyone could assist me with pictures of the different road numbers and paintschemes of the sw1000's and the sw1500 for BN it would be a great help. ty.
I would also like to get photos of DM&IR ore cars, I have seen but cannot find models or pictures of ore cars with multiple air hoses between the ore cars, there were like 4-5 and i would like to build this type of ore car.
As far as Soo goes, The fp-7a, fp-7b I would like to get pictures of. I'd like to start a collectionsof these. recently, I have seen, and fell in love withthe unit f45, GN-441 the videos of this locomotive turned motel room, Is gorgeous! too bad these units are being felled into the wayside, I would like pix of these in GN old and new scheme. did Np ever get the f45? or was it too late for this rr? Idk, cause i was born in 1966. thank you gentlemen and ladies for your patience and dilegence. -mah ke tay gah bow ojibwe for Blackfeathers