Getting back to the whole signal thing.............
The following is a pic someone sent to me from ... 489&nseq=3
The locos are heading AWAY from the Photographer, and would have already passed under the signal.
While the locos are light, there are 2, with at least 1 being a 6 axle loco - there SHOULDN'T be any problem shunting the signal system. Yes, it could have been a slow relay dropping the signal after the train passed, but even so, thats is a LONG time beofre this signal dropped. (if it did at all, the photog never stated)
Now, what my point is, is that signals aren't fool proof - and It doens't matter what the "download" of the signal shows, it might show that it was working as intended, but "false proceeds" can and do happen. A down load of this signal in this pic would probably show it was working "as intended". But what would happen if it was a home/absolute signal? It would be "working as intended," but is it really? Id be very curious as to what the download of that signal on the top of this page would show.
Another thing I wonder is that signal at CP Topanga, did it have regular bulbs or LED lights in the signal? I have seen LEDs that are out/off but with residual energy in them, allowing them to be on, some more than others (espeicially if they have capacitors so they can blink and not be instant on/off, but rather fade -they don't always fade all the way). Ive seen it with traffic lights in my cars and lots of other things......