• medical question!!

  • General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.
General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.

Moderator: thebigc

  by glharp2002
Hi all, i have a question for you. I recently got hired on with UP and did my physical and my status said " further review needed status delayed". Im very worried and it updated on friday after they closed so i couldnt ask why. I called the UP police and he assured me it may be a glitch or more evaluation is needed. He stated i passed my background since he was the one who cleared me. If anyone knows why this delay could happen please let me know. Im nervous because i was also told by the doctor ibpassed everything with flying colors. Thank you all.
  by drewg350
Yea if I had to guess, that doesn't sound good. If you cleared the background, than it can't have anything to do with that. Unfortunately even though the nurse at the place you took your physical at stated "you passed everything with flying colors", she might not know exactly what UP expects in order to "pass with flying colors". In other words, you could pass all your eye tests, hearing, drug test, etc...and she may feel you passed with flying colors, but if your "heavy" for instance, when your medical record got to UP, they might analyze your height and weight and calculate your BMI is too high. This is just an example as we know nothing about you. Please don't think I was suggesting this, just offering an example of where the medical facility might tell you you passed, and yet the RR medical department might have some issues, and thus need additional testing. Good luck. Please let us know after you find out so you can perhaps help someone else in the future.
  by glharp2002
I called today and hr said it was an error on the medical facility who performed my exams. They did not send all documents needed. They said not to worry it has nothing to do with my results. Big relief now the question is where will i be working. I was hired out of salina so i take it ill be working near there? Who knows but ill be packing for a journey thats for sure. Thank you for the reply :)
  by rch
Glad to hear that it all turned out well. Like Tom Petty says, "the waiting is the hardest part." The 61 days I endured between applying and receiving the final offer were very long days, to say the least.
  by glharp2002
Everything is good to go. Just a data error! Now just waiting on a start date.
  by glharp2002
Wow that is a long wait. Thanks a lot for the info and honesty. Hope you are still workin on the railroad :)
  by Tribis
Happy to read it. Before panicking find out all details )))
  by Luparo23
I am currently going through the same thing. Got a message late Friday about "further review needed status delayed". Called the number Monday and left a message with the UP nurse. No call back, called again left another message next day...again no call back. Later that day I spoke to someone who said that they will return the call when they get to it.... I am dying here... I spoke to HR who said not to sweat it, but to give them until Friday (a full week) and then call back.
At the medical test, Doctor says "I see no problems here", I think I did well on all the tests, I am just hoping it's the same situation as glharp2002. I guess nothing good comes easy... Got my fingers crossed and praying like mad.
  by Luparo23
found out it was the Ishihara color vision test. They passed me, but I am on restricted duty. Not sure what to think. Anyone been on Restricted duty before? What does it take to get released fully?