• Markings on the side of rail?

  • General discussion about locomotives, rolling stock, and equipment
General discussion about locomotives, rolling stock, and equipment

Moderator: John_Perkowski

  by Motte
Does anyone have any ideas what do the markings mean?
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Also, the rail should be steel, because it is 'labeled' as such. Can anyone tell me what the "F.V.C.L" in the markings on that 176 means? Where was it rolled? The foot width is 90 mm
  by timz
Wouldn't think it's saying the rail is steel-- why bother? You'd think it's part of the name of the mill that rolled it. But ... did rails ever say BETHLEHEM STEEL rather than just BETHLEHEM? They said ILLINOIS and CF&I and CARNEGIE and TENNESSEE... don't recall any STEELs.

Is it actually RR rail? 90 mm base width is pretty tiny. Is the base thicker at the center, like RR rail would be?
  by bengt
timz wrote:Wouldn't think it's saying the rail is steel-- why bother? You'd think it's part of the name of the mill that rolled it. But ... did rails ever say BETHLEHEM STEEL rather than just BETHLEHEM? They said ILLINOIS and CF&I and CARNEGIE and TENNESSEE... don't recall any STEELs.
Iron rails were in use before steel rails. Good to know if it was steel or iron rails.
  by rdgrailfan
Steelton Just outside of Hburg PA
The extensive works of the Pennsylvania Steel Company, later operated by Bethlehem Steel.
Very common rail marking back east
  by JWilson
This looks like a partial section of ?" x 4" ship channel. Note that the flange is a uniform thickness from the fillet to the edge, unlike the base of a rail. An end view of this piece would be interesting.
  by trojan82
I recently got a piece of rail on Purdue University campus that was covered under the road and I'm wanting to know if the markings on the side can tell me anything about the age of the rail? The markings are as follows: R.A-B. O.H 8030 ILLINOIS Any information or suggestions on where to look would be appreciated! I know that there were electric trolleys operating in Lafayette and West Lafayette from 1880 to 1940 but I don't think these rails are that old. There was also a power plant on campus that got coal by rail. Thanks for any help I can get.

Tom Tibbett