• Hoosac Tunnel Article

  • Pan Am Southern (webssite: https://panamsouthern.com ) is jointly-owned by CSX and Norfolk Southern, but operated by Genesee & Wyoming subsidiary Pittsburg & Shawmut dba Berkshire and Eastern,
Pan Am Southern (webssite: https://panamsouthern.com ) is jointly-owned by CSX and Norfolk Southern, but operated by Genesee & Wyoming subsidiary Pittsburg & Shawmut dba Berkshire and Eastern,

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  by harleyfiremedic
I just found this and thought the young man did a great job with the article. Check it out

http://www.masslive.com/entertainment/i ... age_o.html
Berkshire County's Hoosac Tunnel took advantage of technology of its day
By MICHAEL D. STRAHAN Monson High School
Wednesday August 12, 2009, 5:21 AM
Upon its completion, it was the second longest tunnel in the world, and the longest tunnel in North America; a record that held for 25 years. It's a railroad tunnel in the far corner of Western Massachusetts that was an engineering feat to complete and remains today the longest transportation tunnel still in use this side of the Rocky Mountains. This is a very impressive achievement for a tunnel that is 134 years old. The Hoosac Tunnel was first envisioned in 1819 as a way of connecting Boston to New York's capital of Albany and later received much backing from paper mill owner Alvah Crocker of Fitchburg.
[EDIT - You must provide a brief quote of any article you link to. Thanks! -omv]