I believe PRR had the same issue with Color Blind Engineers.
One of my biggest complaints of the position light system was the full head on the pedestal type head was not capable of displaying a slow clear aspect .
Where this was the case the Slow approach was used in lieu of the slow clear. The 3 head color
Light signals can display all necessary aspects on a full size signal.
MAS, Lim/Med, Slo/Rst.
The other major difference with the N&W adaptation of the PRR position lights was that the N&W used route based signaling vs the PRRs speed based signals
The approach medium aspect here
Would be the approach diverging aspect on the N&W
The Diverging Clear aspect would give you the condition of the block but not the speed to do at the crossover. That would be in the division timetable.
Someone more experienced on route signals would have to correct me if I’m missing anything.
PRR also owned a large controlling share in the N&W, and I believe the LV as well.
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