by kevikens
Can someone tell me exactly where Park Junction is in Philadelphia and if it is railfan friendly and a good spot for photography ? Thanks
Railroad Forums
Moderator: MBTA F40PH-2C 1050
kevikens wrote:I also discovered about a half mile west of the NEC crossing and about a half mile east of the Columbia Bridge a stone arch bridge that CSX uses to cross one of the parks drives. There is an abandoned signal bridge spanning the tracks at the arch and it would make a good PM location for a photo.I found an old postcard of that spot, and set up a current pic there for comparison. Here's the "before-n-after" set:
kevikens wrote:Urban; Am I missing something ? Where is the picture you are referring to ?Hmmm. I'm seeing it on screen. I take it from your comment that you're not. I'll hafta post a link for ya...