Discussion relating to the operations of MTA MetroNorth Railroad including west of Hudson operations and discussion of CtDOT sponsored rail operations such as Shore Line East and the Springfield to New Haven Hartford Line

Moderators: GirlOnTheTrain, nomis, FL9AC, Jeff Smith

  by omar
OK, OK so I'm early, but maybe not since these things take time.

Less that 10 years from now, Grand Central Terminal will celebrate its 100th annivarsary. What is the railfan/preservation/operating authority//city/state/railroad(s) going to do? or should do?. What will be necessary to convey the importance of this milestone (a railroad term indeed!).

How can we involve the public into this historic event? I'm looking for out-of-the-box ideas - past the American Freedom Train idea (Ross Roland - where are you now?).

Maybe a recreation of the 20th Century Limited (or at leat its carpet) or The Merchant's Limited, what it is like to board a Pullman with its ticketing process, the presenting of "credentials" (tickets) at the gate for admission down the platform, the personnel needed to make this work.

How about taking a few tracks (31, 32, 33?) for a display of equipment germane to the Terminal???

The possiblilities are as varied as the destinations and modes of service provided by the railroads which served by the Terminal.

  by Otto Vondrak
If we can distract the misguided folks over at the URHS, maybe we can get the NYC Hickory Creek on display at the bumper of Track 28 for a week. That would be awesome. Next step- we have to start a movement to rescue the only existing T-3a motor from the abusive home M&H Chapter is providing up in Albany (and maybe bring the S-motor with it). There is enough NYC equipment out there where we could have some suitable displays somewhere in the terminal. Would love to see the "NYC" FL9's make one last trip with some specials out of GCT...

...those are just my gut thoughts. Anyone else?


  by Mr Met
how about that dual mode RDC makeing a few trips

  by walt
Convince Larry Graham ( of Sly & the Family Stone fame) to re-assemble "Graham Central Station" ( for whom my younger brother was the drummer in the 1980's and '90's) to play during any celebration which occurs! :-)

  by shadyjay
Or here's an idea - have me come down there and model my back and sign autographs :-D
Confused? Check out my signature below, then go to my website and see for yourself.


  by Otto Vondrak
Mr Met- what on earth is a dual-mode RDC??? Let's stick to reality here...


  by arnstg
Add the Danbury RR Museum NYC painted E8A 4096 (not an original NYC loco) in there.


  by Noel Weaver
That the New York Central T motor and S motor are allowed to rust away,
thanks to the Mohawk-Hudson Chapter in Albany is nothing short of
absurb. Last time I checked, they had been moved away from any area
where one can at least see them.
The proper place for these two relics would be, in my opinion, Danbury as
it is close by to New York and on friendly rails. I think they probably have
room for these two treasures too.
A few years ago, Conrail would have moved this stuff for them without a
big hassel but I doubt that they would get very far with CSX. Probably
would have to be loaded on a flatcar due to friction bearings. The longer
they rust away in Albany, the less likely they are to go anywhere.
I would not be surprised if the outfit decided to sell them for scrap although I would hope they would not let that happen.
Noel Weaver

  by Mr Met
the Roger Williams RDC trainset is a dual mode Rdc train set

  by DutchRailnut
WAS a dualmode RDC set, the traction motors were removed about two years after delivery.

  by DutchRailnut
Only the two other lightwight trains did few trips into GCT, the Roger Williams ran several years succesfully into terminal.
currently the Roger williams does have electricval controls for third rail operation but it has no traction motors or third rail shoes anymore.

  by EastCleveland
My fantasy 100th Anniversary Rail Excursion:

Let Grand Central Terminal once again serve, for at least one roundtrip, as a departure and arrival point for long distance rail travel. But instead of the typical railfan "train to nowhere". . . .

1) Assemble a consist of still-roadworthy NYC coaches, sleepers, lounges, and diners from private owners, museums, and historic societies.

2) Couple them to a string of roadworthy diesels wearing NYC paint.

3) Fill the train with "ordinary" passengers at 1959 ticket prices (proper attire please, no rail-geek t-shirts allowed).

4) Travel overnight from Grand Central Terminal to Chicago Union Station, making brief stops at every "Water Level Route" station along the way. Plus longer stops at surviving NYC stations like Utica. Include "a very special moment of silence" while passing Buffalo Central Terminal.

5) Arrive at Chicago Union Station by mid-afternoon. Spend the rest of the day wandering around Chicago, searching for the former site of every classic rail station that's no longer there. Include a special memorial pilgrimage to the site of the 1908 LaSalle Street Station.

6) Spend the night on the old oak benches at Chicago Union Station (2 a.m. rousting by station police is optional).

7) Depart for New York's Grand Central Terminal by early afternoon.

8) Every passenger receives a gift bag consisting of an original NYC passenger timetable (year of your choice), a 33 1/3 LP of Grand Central Terminal arrival and departure announcements, a 200-foot "collector's edition" replica of the Kodak photo mural, one used GCT incandescent light bulb, and a 32 ounce aerosol spray can of "Passenger Car Smell."
  by omar
What seems to be missing is what tickles the General Public. Here you have a space which sees tens of thousands of people a day, and only fantasy ideas seem to be percolating up out of the ooze of this forum.

Can we have a discussion of ideas, which, hopefully a plan can be implemented and take to the proper parties so a fantastic celebration of GCT@100 can be had by all. Maybe this is not the place to have this - after all you'd have to think this through past the I-wanna-ride-a-train or I-wanna-see-a-locomotive to the They-wanna stage, that is what will the PUBLIC wanna see (in spite of themselves)?

How about - a recreation of the Merchant's Limited - a small selection of heavyweight Pullman cars are still out there and in reasonable shape - it will only take a couple of years to get them spiffed up. And another year or so to design the exhibit to tell the story.

NYC stainless or facimilies? Out there in the same or better condition than NH equipment.

Locomotives? T&S motors, NH (real) diesels, NYC diesels(some real (RS-3?), mostly fake). NH electrics? just a couple of clapped out 4400s combination & parlor cars, but suitable for exterior display & exhibits inside - possibly on the rise of the "Gold Coast" in CT due to the commuter lines from GCT - Madison Ave ad agencies & Wall Street should love to sponsor that exhibit.

Exhibits on the 20th Century Limited of course even though it was created before GCT came into existance.

Now about the (kiddie) rides. Outside of a 'fantrip' or 2 on electric equipment what is the point? Better yet is to take the cars used on the Merchants Limited (coaches, buffet-lounge & full sleeper, parlor car) & lease them out for high-rollers to finance this project! Sell the deadhead moves for $1000-$2000 per throw from Boston.

A $1 million budget would not be out of the question & would most likely be too little.

Oh, by the way, the exhibit will be at GCT for 6 months to a year so people can have the opportunity to find out about it & see.

Am I serious - you betcha....

Just need some intellegent and persistant help to do this....

  by EastCleveland
In the grand scheme of things, Metro-North will be the sole decision maker when it comes to what does (or doesn't) happen during the anniversary. But it's also a relative newcomer to the Terminal.

Try posting at the New York Central, New Haven, and Penn Central forums. You'll find more people who are familiar with the history of M-N's predecessor railroads -- which is really what you need most.

  by Otto Vondrak
Rochester Chapter NRHS has a serviceable NYC stainless set that was purchased from Metro-North... cars are HEP compatible, etc etc. Could easily be transformed back into NYC markings and transported back to New York with enough money and advance notice...

As far as the Roger Williams, I am pretty sure that the dual-mode capability is long gone. Not to mention that the 600v systems weren't successful when they were intact... I seem to recall fires breaking out on the initial press run?

The misguided folks at Mohawk & Hudson Chapter will make sure that the T and S motor collapse into scrap metal and ensure no one else sees them ever again. Friction bearing trucks will probably keep them captive in Albany for years to come... DRM, RMNE have tried to bring these units south in the past only to meet stiff opposition from the M&H folks who would rather leave artifacts rot than contribute to the railfan community at large.

I hope MN considers some sort of tribute for the 100th anniversary of GCT. I know that the railroad is very reluctant to acknnowledge their predecessors. At the very least... how about a NH-painted FL9 against the bumping post on Track 29, with the Hickory Creek on Track 28? That would be a nice gesture to start out with.
