by sswcharlie
Where can I locate a report on accident in the middle of Houston MS on 19 December 1962, where 19 freight cars were derailed and fell on to highway 8 etc..
A earlier derailment in the late 50s early 1960s also in the middle of Houston MS, where the Ingalls 4-S diesel loco was derailed and rolled down a bank ending upside down. Required recovery and repairs in Mobile AL. Any reports about on this accident.
Charles Harris
Where can I locate a report on accident in the middle of Houston MS on 19 December 1962, where 19 freight cars were derailed and fell on to highway 8 etc..
A earlier derailment in the late 50s early 1960s also in the middle of Houston MS, where the Ingalls 4-S diesel loco was derailed and rolled down a bank ending upside down. Required recovery and repairs in Mobile AL. Any reports about on this accident.
Charles Harris
SSW fan/Railway ExpressFan/Texas Electric Fan