Presently I am working on completing a project of marking each and every milepost for CSX in the Jacksonville Division. This includes some South Georgia as well. I have already completed one for the Florida East Coast Railroad. These files work best in Google Earth but will also work in Google Maps but they are considerably diminished in appearance. These markings in most cases, though not all, are placed exactly at the location of the MP marker. The exceptions are where they are not visible due to tree shadows. If you are a tablet user I am compiling the Jacksonville Division in such a way to allow them to open in Google Earth in that environment as well as the tablet/smart phone version of Google Earth won't handle the overall file. Therefore I am making separate files of individual subdivisions as they are much smaller and more readily manageable in the device realm. These files, once finalized, will be available by a couple different means: 1) I will create a Google sites web page and 2) via Google Drive. Upon completion I will either start a thread regarding them or perhaps someone could suggest an appropriate, already running, thread. If you are interested in any of the work thus far let me know. Presently I have 11 Subdivisions completed and need to complete several more of course. Currently I am working on the Wildwood Sub & Auburndale Sub.