No, I'm not a railroader (I just play one in my train room), but I know very well the situation that you are facing. I'm a policeman who recieved a herniated disc with nerve impingement as a result of being rammed by an automobile in my cruiser and an assault while making an arrest where I was picked up and driven into the street head-first. All that I can say is to document it in any way that you can. Did you mention feeling a twinge at the time that it happened to anybody ? Did you have a physical perhaps just prior to the accident, so that a physician can put a time span on the injury ? Back up your claim with physician's statements. Make sure that you don't neglect your after-care for the injury as aside from the obvious, all this will be looked at in a review. It is what it is, so my advice is to be as honest as possible and enlist as much assistance from persons who can help you as well. I know the syndrome of "it's nothing, I'll see how I feel tomorrow", and as I always told my patrolmen, "if it hurt, go to the hospital". Having said that, I once got mistaken for a football by a professional football player who I was involved in a foot pursuit with, said "it's nothing", and woke up the next day with a hand twice as large as normal. (broken thumb) The caper that put me out on disability found me in an ambulance being taken to and admitted at Boston Medical Center, so there wasn't much question about that. My gut tells me that if they want to screw with you, they'll give you a hard time. If they are true professionals, you have a good record for reporting major injuries, and you have records to prove your injury, they won't. Let your union fight for you as well, and if it's career threatening, perhaps legal counsel as well (provided by the union, I hope). I hope that it works out for you, my friend. Let us know how you're progressing.
~Paul Joyce~
Moderator: Toy Trains, Model Railroading, Outdoor and Live Steam
Paul Joyce passed away in August, 2013. We honor his memory and his devotion at