by lukerice
Knowing that I liked railroad history, my grandmother gave me an old photograph that belonged to her father of a few people standing on an old locomotive. That's about all I know, other than that I am in some way related to the people in the photograph. Her father was named Groves (the family name was later changed to add an s for some reason or another), so it must have been his generation or earlier, so I'm guessing this is late 19th or very early 20th century. There don't appear to be any markings on the locomotive, and no landmarks to suggest where on earth it may have been taken, but I was wondering if any of you steam buffs might clue me in as to what locomotive it is, hoping that might narrow things down, or at least answer that aspect of my curiosity. Here are two photos I took of it in different lighting:
There is a hand written note on the back, though it will no doubt be useless in identifying the locomotive, I'll post it here: "The man standing in front of the train is Phillip Duckworth. He was left on the doorstep of Miss Fanny Duckworth as an infant. Fanny later married James Simian Grove and they raised Phillip. The couple at the front of the train are Fanny and James Grove.
Thanks in advance if anyone has any idea on this!
- Luke
There is a hand written note on the back, though it will no doubt be useless in identifying the locomotive, I'll post it here: "The man standing in front of the train is Phillip Duckworth. He was left on the doorstep of Miss Fanny Duckworth as an infant. Fanny later married James Simian Grove and they raised Phillip. The couple at the front of the train are Fanny and James Grove.
Thanks in advance if anyone has any idea on this!
- Luke