by NE2
I'm posting this description of the Northern Ohio Traction and Light Company in case anyone, either here or through a search, finds it useful. I believe it's from a mortgage made in 1916:
I. Northern Lines
A. Akron, Bedford and Cleveland Division.
This division is the northernmost on the system and commences at the City of Cleveland and runs in a general southerly direction as follows: In Cleveland, from the Public Square over the tracks and by the use of the overhead equipment of The Cleveland Railway Company to a point in the Village of South Newburgh, near Mill Creek, where the private right of way of the Company meets the tracks of The Cleveland Railway Company; thence southeasterly on private right of way, passing beneath the tracks of The Wheeling and Lake
Erie Railroad Company, about 73/100 of a mile to Broadway in the village aforesaid; thence southeasterly in and along Broadway or the old Canton-Cleveland State Road, passing through the Villages of South Newburgh, Maple Heights and Bedford and Bedford Township, crossing the tracks of The Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad Company in the Village of Bedford, to the south Cuyahoga County line; thence, in Summit County, in and along the same highway, crossing the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks at Ward's crossing, to a junction point known as Fell's in the Village of Northfield; thence from said junction point by two separate routes to Chittenden's in Boston Township (one of said routes being from Fell's in and along the State Road aforesaid and through the Village of Northfield and Boston Township to Chittenden's and the other being from Fell's in and over a private right of way through the Villages of Northfield and Macedonia and Boston Township to Chittenden's); thence from Chittenden's by private right of way, passing over the track of the L. E. and P. Railroad at Chittenden's, through Boston, Hudson and Stow Townships to a point on the Payne Road in Stow Township near Thompson's Corners; thence in and along the Payne Road through Stow Township to the corporation line of the Village of Cuyahoga Falls at Nutwood Road; thence in the Village of Cuyahoga Falls on Payne Road or Payne Avenue about 32/100 of a mile to Silver Lake Junction; thence from said junction southerly on private right of way about 45/100 of a mile to North Second Street in Cuyahoga Falls Village; thence, on North and South Second Street in a southerly direction about 1-33/100 miles to the southerly end of said street; thence southerly on private right of way about 27/100 of a mile to Front Street in said village; thence across Front Street to the easterly side thereof and thence, partly upon said street and partly upon private right of way about 40/100 of a mile to Cuyahoga Falls Avenue in Portage Township; thence in and along said avenue about 98/100 of a mile to the corporation line of the City of Akron at a point near Rider Avenue; thence along Cuyahoga Falls Avenue in said city to North Howard Street; thence along North Howard Street in a southerly direction, passing beneath the tracks of the C. T. and V. and the Northern Ohio Railroads at Howard Street Station, to the intersection of North Howard and Market Streets.
From Silver Lake Junction a branch of the A. B. and C. Line runs in an easterly direction about 93/100 of a mile to Silver Lake Park in Stow Township.
B. Akron, Kent and Ravenna Division.
This division operates over tracks above described to the point on Front Street in the Village of Cuyahoga Falls at which said street intersects the private right of way of the Company and proceeds thence in a northeasterly direction along Front Street to the easterly corporation line of the Village of Cuyahoga Falls, crossing the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Silver Lake Junction, and including a short strip of track on Portage Street in said village connecting the division presently described with the A. B. and C. Division track on Second Street in said village, and further including a strip of track at Silver Lake Junction in said village which connects the Silver Lake Park branch line and the main A. B. and C. Line with the division presently described; thence from the easterly corporation line of the Village of Cuyahoga Falls in an easterly direction over the Stow Corners and Kent County Highway about 5.04 miles to the westerly corporation line of the Village of Kent in Portage County; thence easterly on Main Street in the Village of Kent, crossing the track of the W. and L. E. Railroad, to Water Street; thence on Water Street to Lake Street and on Lake Street to the east corporation line of the Village of Kent: thence on the Kent-Lake Brady Highway, crossing over the B. and O. tracks at a point known as Break Neck Creek, crossing a switch track of the Erie Railroad at Brady Lake and passing beneath the Pennsylvania tracks at a point near the west line of Ravenna Township in Portage County, to the Red Brush Highway (including the track and loop at Brady Lake Park); thence on the Red Brush Highway to a point called Black Horse on the Ravenna and Newark State Highway; thence on said state highway to the westerly corporation line of the Village of Ravenna; thence easterly along Main Street in said village from Beach Street to Prospect Street, crossing the switch tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad at a point between Sycamore and Grant streets; thence
on Prospect Street to Spruce Street, on Spruce Street to Chestnut Street, on Chestnut Street to Main Street, and on Main Street to Prospect Street (in the Village of Ravenna).
C. Mountain Division.
This division operates over tracks hereinafter described as a part of the Akron City street railway system to the intersection of Federal and North Main streets in the City of Akron and runs thence northerly over North Main Street, crossing the switch tracks of the Northern Ohio and the Akron, Canton and Youngstown Railroads, to Furnace Street; thence easterly on Furnace Street, passing beneath the tracks of the C. T. and V. Railroad, to North Street; thence on North Street to the intersection of the same by the private right of way of the Company at a point near the bridge over the Little Cuyahoga River; thence over the Little Cuyahoga River on private bridge and right of way of the Company to the north corporation line of the City of Akron; thence northeasterly on private right of way through the Townships of Portage and Tallmadge to a County Highway known as Home Avenue (in Tallmadge Township); thence northerly on said avenue, crossing over the tracks of the B. and O. and the Pennsylvania Railroads at a point known as Bettes Corners, to the south corporation line of Cuyahoga Falls Village, crossing the track of the Keller Brick Company; thence northerly on Main Street in said village to Taylor Street; thence westerly on Taylor Street, crossing the B. and O. tracks, to Water Street; thence northerly on Water Street, crossing a track of the Pennsylvania Railroad, to Prospect Street; and thence westerly on Prospect Street to Front Street in said Village of Cuyahoga Falls.
D. Akron, Kenmore, Barberton and Wadsworth Division.
This division operates over tracks hereinafter described as a part of the Akron street railway system to the corner of South Main and Long streets in the City of Akron and runs thence southerly on South Main Street to Ira Avenue; thence westerly on Ira Avenue to the Kenmore Boulevard; thence southwesterly on private right of way, crossing the corporation line between the City of Akron and the Village of Ken-
more and continuing through said village and passing over the Ohio Canal at a point near the Kenmore car barns, to the intersection of said private right of way by the County Highway known as Wooster Road, at a point in the City of Barberton; thence along High Street in said city to the old State Road; thence on said State Road to Cornell Street; thence on Cornell Street, crossing over the Erie Railroad tracks to Lake Street; thence on Lake Street to Second Street, on Second Street to Tuscarawas Avenue, on Tuscarawas Avenue, crossing tracks of the Akron-Barberton Belt Line Railway to Ninth Street; thence on Ninth Street to Baird Avenue, on Baird Avenue to Wooster Avenue, on Wooster Avenue to Locust Street at the west corporation line of the City of Barberton: thence westerly on private right of way to Johnson's Corners Road on the west line of Lot 67 in Norton Township (Summit County); thence across said road and westerly crossing Lots 75, 65 and 64 in said township, crossing over the track of the Erie Railroad at a point known as Rock Cut near the westerly line of Lot 64, crossing Lot 63 (Norton Township) and the County Highway at the westerly line of said lot, crossing Lots 62 and 61 in said township, to and through the Village of Western Star, crossing the county line (Summit-Medina) highway therein; thence continuing westerly on private right of way in Medina County (Wadsworth Township), crossing county highways at Silver Creek, to the easterly corporation line of the Village of Wadsworth, crossing a switch track of the Erie Railroad at a point within said village; and thence across East Street in said village and continuing on private right of way northwesterly to Broad Street; thence westerly on Broad Street to the Public Square in said Village of Wadsworth.
E. Akron City Railway Lines.
(The following is a description of streets and other property occupied, and does not entirely follow the routes of operation.)
1.—Commencing at the intersection of Howard and Market streets in the City of Akron and running thence westerly on West Market Street to Metlin Avenue; thence southerly on
Metlin Avenue to Rose Avenue; and thence westerly on Rose Avenue to Portage Park loop.
2.—Commencing at the intersection of Howard and Market streets and running thence easterly on East Market Street to the east corporation line of the City of Akron at what is known as the Blue Pond "Y."
3.—Commencing at the intersection of Howard and Market streets and running thence southerly on South Howard Street to Main Street.
4.—Commencing at the intersection of North Howard and Federal streets and running thence easterly on Federal Street to Main Street; thence southerly on Main Street; crossing the switch tracks of the Erie Railroad at a point between Chestnut and Goodrich streets (known as Brewster's Crossing), to Long Street; and thence westerly on Long Street to the Lakeside Park loop.
5.—Commencing at the intersection of Main and Quarry streets and running thence westerly on Quarry Street to Bowery Street; thence southerly on Bowery Street to South Street; thence westerly on South Street to Manchester Road; and thence southerly on Manchester Road to a "Y" near the southerly corporation line.
6.—Commencing at the intersection of Bowery Street and Wooster Avenue and running thence southwesterly on Wooster Avenue to the Wooster Avenue car barns.
7.—Commencing at the intersection of East Market and Exchange streets and running thence westerly on Exchange Street, crossing the Akron-Barberton Belt Line Railway tracks at two points, and the tracks of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and the tracks of the Pennsylvania and Erie railroads, to Maple Street; and thence southerly on Maple Street to the Rose [sic - I think this should be Rhodes] Avenue "Y."
8.—Commencing at the intersection of East Exchange and Grant streets and running thence southerly on Grant Street to the South Street "Y."
9.—Commencing at the intersection of East Market and Arlington streets and running thence southerly on Arlington Street, crossing the track of the Akron-Barberton Belt Line
and the switch track of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, to the the south corporation line of the City of Akron; and thence in Coventry Township, Summit County, on the county highway known as South Arlington Street, to a loop south of 7th Avenue.
10.—Commencing at the intersection of South Howard and Mill streets and running thence easterly on Mill Street to College Street; thence southerly on College Street to Buchtel Avenue; thence easterly on Buchtel Avenue to Spicer Street; and thence southerly on Spicer Street to East Exchange Street.
11.—In addition to the foregoing, there are certain street railway lines over which interurban lines enter and leave Akron which are elsewhere herein described as a part of the description of interurban lines.
A. Canton-Akron Division.
Commencing at the easterly corporation line of the city of Akron where it is intersected by East Market Street; thence easterly on East Market Street to Wigley Avenue; thence southerly along Wigley Avenue by a private right of way to Englewood Avenue; thence easterly along Englewood Avenue by private right of way to a switch track of the Akron, Canton & Youngstown Railroad, at a point near the Akron-Massillon road; thence, crossing said switch track, on private right of way to a point on the Canton-Akron highway at North Springfield in Springfield Township; thence southerly on said highway to a point known as Sawyerwood Stop, where said highway is intersected by private right of way; thence in a southerly direction, through Tracts 6, 7 and 8 of Springfield Township, on said private right of way to where said right of way intersects the Canton-Akron highway, at a point in Lot 28, Tract 8 of Springfield Township; thence southerly along said highway to the Summit-Stark county line; thence in a southerly direction along the Canton-Cleveland state road, through Lake Township (Stark County) and the villages of Uniontown and Greentown in said township, through Plain Township (Stark County) and the Village of New Berlin in said township, to the north corporation line
of the City of Canton; thence southerly on Cleveland Avenue in said city to 19th Street, N. W.; thence southerly and westerly to the corner of 17th Street, N. W., and Oxford Avenue; thence southerly on Oxford Avenue to 12th Street, N. W.; thence easterly on 12th Street, N. W., to McKinley Avenue; thence southerly on McKinley Avenue to 4th Street, N. W.; thence easterly on 4th Street, N. W., to Cleveland Avenue; thence southerly on Cleveland Avenue to 4th Street, S. W.; and thence easterly on 4th Street, S. W., to South Market Street.
B. Canton Street Railway Lines.
(The following is a description of streets and other property occupied, and does not entirely follow the routes of operation.)
1.—Commencing at the intersection of 19th Street, N. W., and Cleveland Avenue in the City of Canton and running thence southerly on Cleveland Avenue to 6th Street, N. W.; thence easterly on 6th Street, N. W., to Mahoning Road; thence northeasterly on Mahoning Road to Winfield Way, crossing the tracks of The Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad Company at a point between Cherry and Orchard avenues; and thence easterly on Winfield Way to a loop at Grace Avenue.
2.—Commencing at the intersection of Market Avenue and 6th Street and running thence southerly on Market Avenue, crossing the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Chicago railroad at a point between 9th Street, S. W., and Buckeye Place, and crossing a railroad switch track at Navarre Road, to Bolivar Road; thence southwesterly on Bolivar Road to 18th Street, S. W.; and thence westerly on 18th Street, S. W., to a loop.
3.—Commencing at the intersection of South Market Avenue and Navarre Road and running thence southwesterly on Navarre Road, crossing two railroad switch tracks and tracks of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, to Garfield Avenue; and thence southerly on Garfield Avenue to a loop near 20th Street, S. W.
4.—Commencing at the intersection of South Market Avenue and 6th Street, S. W., and running thence westerly on 6th Street, S. W., to Prospect Avenue, crossing the tracks of the
Baltimore & Ohio railroad; thence southerly on Prospect Avenue to 9th Street, S. W.; and thence westerly on 9th Street, S. W., to Wertz Avenue or the westerly corporation line of the city of Canton.
5.—Commencing at the intersection of Mahoning Road and Orchard Avenue and running thence southerly on Orchard Avenue to 5th Street, N. E.; thence westerly on 5th Street, N. E., to Walnut Avenue; thence southerly on Walnut Avenue to 2nd Street, S. E.; and thence westerly on 2nd Street, S. E., to Market Avenue.
6.—On 2nd Street, N. E., between Walnut and Market Avenues.
7.—Commencing at the intersection of East Tuscarawas Street and Cherry Avenue and running thence southerly on Cherry Avenue to 5th Street, S. E.; and thence easterly on 5th Street, S. E., to Savannah Avenue.
8.—On 4th Street, N. W., between Cleveland Avenue and Market Avenue.
9.—Commencing at the intersection of Market Avenue and 2nd Street, N. W., and running thence westerly on 2nd Street, N. W., to the intersection of the same by private right of way; and thence by private right of way to West Tuscarawas Street.
10.—Commencing on East Tuscarawas Street where the same is intersected by Belden Avenue or the east corporation line of the City of Canton and running thence westerly on Tuscarawas Avenue to a point known as Lake Junction (at the intersection of Wertz Avenue and Tuscarawas Avenue), and thence northerly by private right of way to Meyers Lake.
C. Canton-Massillon Division.
Commencing at the intersection of West Tuscarawas and Wertz avenues in the City of Canton and running thence westerly to the west corporation line of the City of Canton; thence on the Lincoln Highway to the easterly corporation line of the City of Massillon.
D. Massillon Street Railway Lines.
(The following is a description of streets and other property occupied, and does not entirely follow the routes of operation.)
1.—Commencing at the east corporation line of the City of Massillon at the point where the same is intersected by the Lincoln Highway or Main Street and running thence southwesterly along Main Street, crossing the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago, the Baltimore & Ohio and the Wheeling and Lake Erie railroads, to the intersection of Main and Ricks streets, at a point near the west corporation line of said city.
2. Commencing at the intersection of Main and North Mill streets and running thence northerly on North Mill Street to Cherry Street; thence easterly on Cherry Street to Akron Street; thence northerly on Akron Street to Rotch Street.
3. Commencing at the intersection of Main and Erie streets and running thence southerly on Erie Street, crossing the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago and the Massillon Belt railroads, to the south corporation line of the City of Massillon.
E. West Brookfield and East Greenville Line.
Commencing at the intersection of West Main and Wooster streets in the City of Massillon and running thence westerly on a county highway, through the Village of West Brookfield (Tuscarawas Township), to the Village of East Greenville in the same township.
F. State Hospital Line.
Commencing at a point on the Massillon-Navarre road southerly from the south corporation line of the city of Massillon and near the State Hospital grounds, and running thence in an easterly direction to the State Hospital.
G. Massillon-Dover Division.
Commencing at the southerly corporation line of the City of Massillon at a point where the same is intersected by a county highway and running thence southerly on said highway through Perry Township (Stark County) and Bethlehem Township to the northerly corporation line of the village of Navarre in Bethlehem Township; thence southerly on Market Street in said village to Third Street; thence westerly on
Third Street to Main Street; thence southerly on Main Street to land of The Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad Company near the south corporation line of the Village of Navarre; thence across said land and the Tuscarawas River to private right of way; thence by private right of way, through Bethlehem and Sugar Creek townships, to the Village of Justus; thence, continuing southerly on private right of way and crossing the Baltimore & Ohio railroad tracks, to the north corporation line of the Village of Beach City; thence continuing southerly on private right of way through said village, to Church Street; thence on Church Street to Fair Street; thence from Fair Street, by private right of way, southerly through Sugar Creek Township to the Stark-Tuscarawas county line; thence, continuing southerly on private right of way through Franklin Township (Tuscarawas County) to a point on the Wooster Road known as the Gravel Pit (of the Company); thence southerly on the Wooster Road to the northerly corporation line of the Village of Strasburg; thence southerly along Main Street in said village to the south corporation line thereof; thence southerly along the Wooster Road to the point where the same is intersected by private right of way near Sugar Creek (in Franklin Township); thence southerly on said private right of way and on Wooster Road, through Franklin and Dover townships, crossing over a Baltimore & Ohio track, to the north corporation line of the City of Dover.
H. Dover-Uhrichsville Division.
1.—Commencing at the north corporation line of the City of Dover at a point where the same is intersected by Wooster Road and running thence in said city in a southerly direction along Wooster Avenue to Third Street; and thence westerly on Third Street to Factory Street.
2.—Commencing at the intersection of Seventh and Factory streets in the City of Dover and running thence southerly on Factory Street, crossing the tracks of the Pennsylvania railroad, to the corporation line between the cities of Dover and New Philadelphia; thence southerly on Tuscarawas Avenue, in the City of New Philadelphia, to Fair Street; thence easterly on Fair Street to Broadway; thence southerly on Broadway to High Street; thence easterly on High Street to
East Avenue; thence southeasterly on East Avenue to the south corporation line of the City of New Philadelphia; thence southerly on the New Philadelphia and Uhrichsville highway, through the Township of Goshen and the Village of Midvale, crossing the railroad tracks at Midvale, through Warwick Township and into Mill Township, crossing a switch track at the plant of the Robinson Clay Products Company, to the north corporation line of the Village of Uhrichsville and thence in said village, crossing over tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and along Water Street, to a "Y" at Second Street.
3.—Commencing at the intersection of Wooster Avenue and Second Street in the City of Dover and running thence southwesterly on Second Street to Factory Street.
4.—Commencing at the intersection of Third and Wooster streets in the City of Dover and running thence southerly on Wooster Street to Iron Avenue; thence southeasterly on Iron Avenue to the Boulevard and the easterly corporation line of the City of Dover; thence along the Boulevard, in the Township of Dover, to the northerly corporation line of the City of New Philadelphia; thence, continuing therein along said Boulevard and crossing tracks of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh railroad, to Seventh Street; thence southerly on Seventh Street to High Street; and thence on High Street easterly to Broadway.
5.—Commencing at the intersection of Seventh and Ray streets in the City of New Philadelphia and running thence easterly on Ray Street to Broadway; and thence on Broadway to Fair Street.
6.—On Broadway, in the City of New Philadelphia, from High Street southerly to the Baltimore & Ohio railroad tracks.
I. Northern Lines
A. Akron, Bedford and Cleveland Division.
This division is the northernmost on the system and commences at the City of Cleveland and runs in a general southerly direction as follows: In Cleveland, from the Public Square over the tracks and by the use of the overhead equipment of The Cleveland Railway Company to a point in the Village of South Newburgh, near Mill Creek, where the private right of way of the Company meets the tracks of The Cleveland Railway Company; thence southeasterly on private right of way, passing beneath the tracks of The Wheeling and Lake
Erie Railroad Company, about 73/100 of a mile to Broadway in the village aforesaid; thence southeasterly in and along Broadway or the old Canton-Cleveland State Road, passing through the Villages of South Newburgh, Maple Heights and Bedford and Bedford Township, crossing the tracks of The Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad Company in the Village of Bedford, to the south Cuyahoga County line; thence, in Summit County, in and along the same highway, crossing the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks at Ward's crossing, to a junction point known as Fell's in the Village of Northfield; thence from said junction point by two separate routes to Chittenden's in Boston Township (one of said routes being from Fell's in and along the State Road aforesaid and through the Village of Northfield and Boston Township to Chittenden's and the other being from Fell's in and over a private right of way through the Villages of Northfield and Macedonia and Boston Township to Chittenden's); thence from Chittenden's by private right of way, passing over the track of the L. E. and P. Railroad at Chittenden's, through Boston, Hudson and Stow Townships to a point on the Payne Road in Stow Township near Thompson's Corners; thence in and along the Payne Road through Stow Township to the corporation line of the Village of Cuyahoga Falls at Nutwood Road; thence in the Village of Cuyahoga Falls on Payne Road or Payne Avenue about 32/100 of a mile to Silver Lake Junction; thence from said junction southerly on private right of way about 45/100 of a mile to North Second Street in Cuyahoga Falls Village; thence, on North and South Second Street in a southerly direction about 1-33/100 miles to the southerly end of said street; thence southerly on private right of way about 27/100 of a mile to Front Street in said village; thence across Front Street to the easterly side thereof and thence, partly upon said street and partly upon private right of way about 40/100 of a mile to Cuyahoga Falls Avenue in Portage Township; thence in and along said avenue about 98/100 of a mile to the corporation line of the City of Akron at a point near Rider Avenue; thence along Cuyahoga Falls Avenue in said city to North Howard Street; thence along North Howard Street in a southerly direction, passing beneath the tracks of the C. T. and V. and the Northern Ohio Railroads at Howard Street Station, to the intersection of North Howard and Market Streets.
From Silver Lake Junction a branch of the A. B. and C. Line runs in an easterly direction about 93/100 of a mile to Silver Lake Park in Stow Township.
B. Akron, Kent and Ravenna Division.
This division operates over tracks above described to the point on Front Street in the Village of Cuyahoga Falls at which said street intersects the private right of way of the Company and proceeds thence in a northeasterly direction along Front Street to the easterly corporation line of the Village of Cuyahoga Falls, crossing the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Silver Lake Junction, and including a short strip of track on Portage Street in said village connecting the division presently described with the A. B. and C. Division track on Second Street in said village, and further including a strip of track at Silver Lake Junction in said village which connects the Silver Lake Park branch line and the main A. B. and C. Line with the division presently described; thence from the easterly corporation line of the Village of Cuyahoga Falls in an easterly direction over the Stow Corners and Kent County Highway about 5.04 miles to the westerly corporation line of the Village of Kent in Portage County; thence easterly on Main Street in the Village of Kent, crossing the track of the W. and L. E. Railroad, to Water Street; thence on Water Street to Lake Street and on Lake Street to the east corporation line of the Village of Kent: thence on the Kent-Lake Brady Highway, crossing over the B. and O. tracks at a point known as Break Neck Creek, crossing a switch track of the Erie Railroad at Brady Lake and passing beneath the Pennsylvania tracks at a point near the west line of Ravenna Township in Portage County, to the Red Brush Highway (including the track and loop at Brady Lake Park); thence on the Red Brush Highway to a point called Black Horse on the Ravenna and Newark State Highway; thence on said state highway to the westerly corporation line of the Village of Ravenna; thence easterly along Main Street in said village from Beach Street to Prospect Street, crossing the switch tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad at a point between Sycamore and Grant streets; thence
on Prospect Street to Spruce Street, on Spruce Street to Chestnut Street, on Chestnut Street to Main Street, and on Main Street to Prospect Street (in the Village of Ravenna).
C. Mountain Division.
This division operates over tracks hereinafter described as a part of the Akron City street railway system to the intersection of Federal and North Main streets in the City of Akron and runs thence northerly over North Main Street, crossing the switch tracks of the Northern Ohio and the Akron, Canton and Youngstown Railroads, to Furnace Street; thence easterly on Furnace Street, passing beneath the tracks of the C. T. and V. Railroad, to North Street; thence on North Street to the intersection of the same by the private right of way of the Company at a point near the bridge over the Little Cuyahoga River; thence over the Little Cuyahoga River on private bridge and right of way of the Company to the north corporation line of the City of Akron; thence northeasterly on private right of way through the Townships of Portage and Tallmadge to a County Highway known as Home Avenue (in Tallmadge Township); thence northerly on said avenue, crossing over the tracks of the B. and O. and the Pennsylvania Railroads at a point known as Bettes Corners, to the south corporation line of Cuyahoga Falls Village, crossing the track of the Keller Brick Company; thence northerly on Main Street in said village to Taylor Street; thence westerly on Taylor Street, crossing the B. and O. tracks, to Water Street; thence northerly on Water Street, crossing a track of the Pennsylvania Railroad, to Prospect Street; and thence westerly on Prospect Street to Front Street in said Village of Cuyahoga Falls.
D. Akron, Kenmore, Barberton and Wadsworth Division.
This division operates over tracks hereinafter described as a part of the Akron street railway system to the corner of South Main and Long streets in the City of Akron and runs thence southerly on South Main Street to Ira Avenue; thence westerly on Ira Avenue to the Kenmore Boulevard; thence southwesterly on private right of way, crossing the corporation line between the City of Akron and the Village of Ken-
more and continuing through said village and passing over the Ohio Canal at a point near the Kenmore car barns, to the intersection of said private right of way by the County Highway known as Wooster Road, at a point in the City of Barberton; thence along High Street in said city to the old State Road; thence on said State Road to Cornell Street; thence on Cornell Street, crossing over the Erie Railroad tracks to Lake Street; thence on Lake Street to Second Street, on Second Street to Tuscarawas Avenue, on Tuscarawas Avenue, crossing tracks of the Akron-Barberton Belt Line Railway to Ninth Street; thence on Ninth Street to Baird Avenue, on Baird Avenue to Wooster Avenue, on Wooster Avenue to Locust Street at the west corporation line of the City of Barberton: thence westerly on private right of way to Johnson's Corners Road on the west line of Lot 67 in Norton Township (Summit County); thence across said road and westerly crossing Lots 75, 65 and 64 in said township, crossing over the track of the Erie Railroad at a point known as Rock Cut near the westerly line of Lot 64, crossing Lot 63 (Norton Township) and the County Highway at the westerly line of said lot, crossing Lots 62 and 61 in said township, to and through the Village of Western Star, crossing the county line (Summit-Medina) highway therein; thence continuing westerly on private right of way in Medina County (Wadsworth Township), crossing county highways at Silver Creek, to the easterly corporation line of the Village of Wadsworth, crossing a switch track of the Erie Railroad at a point within said village; and thence across East Street in said village and continuing on private right of way northwesterly to Broad Street; thence westerly on Broad Street to the Public Square in said Village of Wadsworth.
E. Akron City Railway Lines.
(The following is a description of streets and other property occupied, and does not entirely follow the routes of operation.)
1.—Commencing at the intersection of Howard and Market streets in the City of Akron and running thence westerly on West Market Street to Metlin Avenue; thence southerly on
Metlin Avenue to Rose Avenue; and thence westerly on Rose Avenue to Portage Park loop.
2.—Commencing at the intersection of Howard and Market streets and running thence easterly on East Market Street to the east corporation line of the City of Akron at what is known as the Blue Pond "Y."
3.—Commencing at the intersection of Howard and Market streets and running thence southerly on South Howard Street to Main Street.
4.—Commencing at the intersection of North Howard and Federal streets and running thence easterly on Federal Street to Main Street; thence southerly on Main Street; crossing the switch tracks of the Erie Railroad at a point between Chestnut and Goodrich streets (known as Brewster's Crossing), to Long Street; and thence westerly on Long Street to the Lakeside Park loop.
5.—Commencing at the intersection of Main and Quarry streets and running thence westerly on Quarry Street to Bowery Street; thence southerly on Bowery Street to South Street; thence westerly on South Street to Manchester Road; and thence southerly on Manchester Road to a "Y" near the southerly corporation line.
6.—Commencing at the intersection of Bowery Street and Wooster Avenue and running thence southwesterly on Wooster Avenue to the Wooster Avenue car barns.
7.—Commencing at the intersection of East Market and Exchange streets and running thence westerly on Exchange Street, crossing the Akron-Barberton Belt Line Railway tracks at two points, and the tracks of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and the tracks of the Pennsylvania and Erie railroads, to Maple Street; and thence southerly on Maple Street to the Rose [sic - I think this should be Rhodes] Avenue "Y."
8.—Commencing at the intersection of East Exchange and Grant streets and running thence southerly on Grant Street to the South Street "Y."
9.—Commencing at the intersection of East Market and Arlington streets and running thence southerly on Arlington Street, crossing the track of the Akron-Barberton Belt Line
and the switch track of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, to the the south corporation line of the City of Akron; and thence in Coventry Township, Summit County, on the county highway known as South Arlington Street, to a loop south of 7th Avenue.
10.—Commencing at the intersection of South Howard and Mill streets and running thence easterly on Mill Street to College Street; thence southerly on College Street to Buchtel Avenue; thence easterly on Buchtel Avenue to Spicer Street; and thence southerly on Spicer Street to East Exchange Street.
11.—In addition to the foregoing, there are certain street railway lines over which interurban lines enter and leave Akron which are elsewhere herein described as a part of the description of interurban lines.
A. Canton-Akron Division.
Commencing at the easterly corporation line of the city of Akron where it is intersected by East Market Street; thence easterly on East Market Street to Wigley Avenue; thence southerly along Wigley Avenue by a private right of way to Englewood Avenue; thence easterly along Englewood Avenue by private right of way to a switch track of the Akron, Canton & Youngstown Railroad, at a point near the Akron-Massillon road; thence, crossing said switch track, on private right of way to a point on the Canton-Akron highway at North Springfield in Springfield Township; thence southerly on said highway to a point known as Sawyerwood Stop, where said highway is intersected by private right of way; thence in a southerly direction, through Tracts 6, 7 and 8 of Springfield Township, on said private right of way to where said right of way intersects the Canton-Akron highway, at a point in Lot 28, Tract 8 of Springfield Township; thence southerly along said highway to the Summit-Stark county line; thence in a southerly direction along the Canton-Cleveland state road, through Lake Township (Stark County) and the villages of Uniontown and Greentown in said township, through Plain Township (Stark County) and the Village of New Berlin in said township, to the north corporation line
of the City of Canton; thence southerly on Cleveland Avenue in said city to 19th Street, N. W.; thence southerly and westerly to the corner of 17th Street, N. W., and Oxford Avenue; thence southerly on Oxford Avenue to 12th Street, N. W.; thence easterly on 12th Street, N. W., to McKinley Avenue; thence southerly on McKinley Avenue to 4th Street, N. W.; thence easterly on 4th Street, N. W., to Cleveland Avenue; thence southerly on Cleveland Avenue to 4th Street, S. W.; and thence easterly on 4th Street, S. W., to South Market Street.
B. Canton Street Railway Lines.
(The following is a description of streets and other property occupied, and does not entirely follow the routes of operation.)
1.—Commencing at the intersection of 19th Street, N. W., and Cleveland Avenue in the City of Canton and running thence southerly on Cleveland Avenue to 6th Street, N. W.; thence easterly on 6th Street, N. W., to Mahoning Road; thence northeasterly on Mahoning Road to Winfield Way, crossing the tracks of The Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad Company at a point between Cherry and Orchard avenues; and thence easterly on Winfield Way to a loop at Grace Avenue.
2.—Commencing at the intersection of Market Avenue and 6th Street and running thence southerly on Market Avenue, crossing the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Chicago railroad at a point between 9th Street, S. W., and Buckeye Place, and crossing a railroad switch track at Navarre Road, to Bolivar Road; thence southwesterly on Bolivar Road to 18th Street, S. W.; and thence westerly on 18th Street, S. W., to a loop.
3.—Commencing at the intersection of South Market Avenue and Navarre Road and running thence southwesterly on Navarre Road, crossing two railroad switch tracks and tracks of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, to Garfield Avenue; and thence southerly on Garfield Avenue to a loop near 20th Street, S. W.
4.—Commencing at the intersection of South Market Avenue and 6th Street, S. W., and running thence westerly on 6th Street, S. W., to Prospect Avenue, crossing the tracks of the
Baltimore & Ohio railroad; thence southerly on Prospect Avenue to 9th Street, S. W.; and thence westerly on 9th Street, S. W., to Wertz Avenue or the westerly corporation line of the city of Canton.
5.—Commencing at the intersection of Mahoning Road and Orchard Avenue and running thence southerly on Orchard Avenue to 5th Street, N. E.; thence westerly on 5th Street, N. E., to Walnut Avenue; thence southerly on Walnut Avenue to 2nd Street, S. E.; and thence westerly on 2nd Street, S. E., to Market Avenue.
6.—On 2nd Street, N. E., between Walnut and Market Avenues.
7.—Commencing at the intersection of East Tuscarawas Street and Cherry Avenue and running thence southerly on Cherry Avenue to 5th Street, S. E.; and thence easterly on 5th Street, S. E., to Savannah Avenue.
8.—On 4th Street, N. W., between Cleveland Avenue and Market Avenue.
9.—Commencing at the intersection of Market Avenue and 2nd Street, N. W., and running thence westerly on 2nd Street, N. W., to the intersection of the same by private right of way; and thence by private right of way to West Tuscarawas Street.
10.—Commencing on East Tuscarawas Street where the same is intersected by Belden Avenue or the east corporation line of the City of Canton and running thence westerly on Tuscarawas Avenue to a point known as Lake Junction (at the intersection of Wertz Avenue and Tuscarawas Avenue), and thence northerly by private right of way to Meyers Lake.
C. Canton-Massillon Division.
Commencing at the intersection of West Tuscarawas and Wertz avenues in the City of Canton and running thence westerly to the west corporation line of the City of Canton; thence on the Lincoln Highway to the easterly corporation line of the City of Massillon.
D. Massillon Street Railway Lines.
(The following is a description of streets and other property occupied, and does not entirely follow the routes of operation.)
1.—Commencing at the east corporation line of the City of Massillon at the point where the same is intersected by the Lincoln Highway or Main Street and running thence southwesterly along Main Street, crossing the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago, the Baltimore & Ohio and the Wheeling and Lake Erie railroads, to the intersection of Main and Ricks streets, at a point near the west corporation line of said city.
2. Commencing at the intersection of Main and North Mill streets and running thence northerly on North Mill Street to Cherry Street; thence easterly on Cherry Street to Akron Street; thence northerly on Akron Street to Rotch Street.
3. Commencing at the intersection of Main and Erie streets and running thence southerly on Erie Street, crossing the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago and the Massillon Belt railroads, to the south corporation line of the City of Massillon.
E. West Brookfield and East Greenville Line.
Commencing at the intersection of West Main and Wooster streets in the City of Massillon and running thence westerly on a county highway, through the Village of West Brookfield (Tuscarawas Township), to the Village of East Greenville in the same township.
F. State Hospital Line.
Commencing at a point on the Massillon-Navarre road southerly from the south corporation line of the city of Massillon and near the State Hospital grounds, and running thence in an easterly direction to the State Hospital.
G. Massillon-Dover Division.
Commencing at the southerly corporation line of the City of Massillon at a point where the same is intersected by a county highway and running thence southerly on said highway through Perry Township (Stark County) and Bethlehem Township to the northerly corporation line of the village of Navarre in Bethlehem Township; thence southerly on Market Street in said village to Third Street; thence westerly on
Third Street to Main Street; thence southerly on Main Street to land of The Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad Company near the south corporation line of the Village of Navarre; thence across said land and the Tuscarawas River to private right of way; thence by private right of way, through Bethlehem and Sugar Creek townships, to the Village of Justus; thence, continuing southerly on private right of way and crossing the Baltimore & Ohio railroad tracks, to the north corporation line of the Village of Beach City; thence continuing southerly on private right of way through said village, to Church Street; thence on Church Street to Fair Street; thence from Fair Street, by private right of way, southerly through Sugar Creek Township to the Stark-Tuscarawas county line; thence, continuing southerly on private right of way through Franklin Township (Tuscarawas County) to a point on the Wooster Road known as the Gravel Pit (of the Company); thence southerly on the Wooster Road to the northerly corporation line of the Village of Strasburg; thence southerly along Main Street in said village to the south corporation line thereof; thence southerly along the Wooster Road to the point where the same is intersected by private right of way near Sugar Creek (in Franklin Township); thence southerly on said private right of way and on Wooster Road, through Franklin and Dover townships, crossing over a Baltimore & Ohio track, to the north corporation line of the City of Dover.
H. Dover-Uhrichsville Division.
1.—Commencing at the north corporation line of the City of Dover at a point where the same is intersected by Wooster Road and running thence in said city in a southerly direction along Wooster Avenue to Third Street; and thence westerly on Third Street to Factory Street.
2.—Commencing at the intersection of Seventh and Factory streets in the City of Dover and running thence southerly on Factory Street, crossing the tracks of the Pennsylvania railroad, to the corporation line between the cities of Dover and New Philadelphia; thence southerly on Tuscarawas Avenue, in the City of New Philadelphia, to Fair Street; thence easterly on Fair Street to Broadway; thence southerly on Broadway to High Street; thence easterly on High Street to
East Avenue; thence southeasterly on East Avenue to the south corporation line of the City of New Philadelphia; thence southerly on the New Philadelphia and Uhrichsville highway, through the Township of Goshen and the Village of Midvale, crossing the railroad tracks at Midvale, through Warwick Township and into Mill Township, crossing a switch track at the plant of the Robinson Clay Products Company, to the north corporation line of the Village of Uhrichsville and thence in said village, crossing over tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and along Water Street, to a "Y" at Second Street.
3.—Commencing at the intersection of Wooster Avenue and Second Street in the City of Dover and running thence southwesterly on Second Street to Factory Street.
4.—Commencing at the intersection of Third and Wooster streets in the City of Dover and running thence southerly on Wooster Street to Iron Avenue; thence southeasterly on Iron Avenue to the Boulevard and the easterly corporation line of the City of Dover; thence along the Boulevard, in the Township of Dover, to the northerly corporation line of the City of New Philadelphia; thence, continuing therein along said Boulevard and crossing tracks of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh railroad, to Seventh Street; thence southerly on Seventh Street to High Street; and thence on High Street easterly to Broadway.
5.—Commencing at the intersection of Seventh and Ray streets in the City of New Philadelphia and running thence easterly on Ray Street to Broadway; and thence on Broadway to Fair Street.
6.—On Broadway, in the City of New Philadelphia, from High Street southerly to the Baltimore & Ohio railroad tracks.