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  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New Jersey
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New Jersey

Moderator: David

  by JohnFromJersey
Also, according to an admin in the Freehold secondary railfans Facebook group, there are a few Tracks Unlimited trucks at Howell Rd, putting tie plates on some ties from a large tie stack that is over there. Are they putting a siding there or something?
  by Bracdude181
Farmingdale at 12 PM

They are gonna put in some ties here and there from Main Street to Marl Road. About time. That stretch is horrible.
  by jdh823
JohnFromJersey wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 9:13 am Also, according to an admin in the Freehold secondary railfans Facebook group, there are a few Tracks Unlimited trucks at Howell Rd, putting tie plates on some ties from a large tie stack that is over there. Are they putting a siding there or something?
Would be rather asinine to rip the old track, and put the new one in only to rip up a piece again just to put a siding in.
  by R&DB
They are going to need to put a siding some where between Freehold and Lakewood. I personally think closer to Farmingdale would be more desirable than the Howell Road area.
  by pdtrains
I expect they will run pull-pull from Jamesburg for a while, till the wye and other possible tracks are finished. PITA to change ends in farmingdale, but no runaround or double runaround in Lakewood,
  by CharlieL
They are still working on the Fairfield-Yellowbrook stretch, so perhaps a runaround there. When they initially did that stretch, the material. most of it was parked at Howell Rd. I'm guessing because it was easier to drop off by truck there.
Also that's the longest stretch between Freehold and Farmingdale.
  by CharlieL
Well, they're gonna do something with those several hundred new ties (and more being unloaded) sitting at Howell Rd.

  by pdtrains
They may want to put in a runaround or use one leg of the wye (if possible) to put freehold cars, on the way to lakewood.

What with the stupidly short runaround in Lakewood, and other considerations, they might not want to go to lakewood with potentially 25 car trains (say, 15 cars for Woodhaven and 10 cars to/from Freehold)

Makes sense that they would work freehold east facing switches on the way to Lakewood, drop the freehold cars on a runaround, go to lakewood and back, then pick up the freehold cars and work the west facing switches on the way to jamesburg.

OTOH....if they work 3 days a week, the trains might be short enough that they wont care about taking freehold cars to Lakewood and back....
  by Bracdude181
The Fort Dix siding was cleared of overgrowth lately, but only the portion that’s actually inside the base has been cleared as far as I can tell…
  by Bracdude181
pdtrains wrote:They may want to put in a runaround or use one leg of the wye (if possible) to put freehold cars, on the way to lakewood.

What with the stupidly short runaround in Lakewood, and other considerations, they might not want to go to lakewood with potentially 25 car trains (say, 15 cars for Woodhaven and 10 cars to/from Freehold)

Makes sense that they would work freehold east facing switches on the way to Lakewood, drop the freehold cars on a runaround, go to lakewood and back, then pick up the freehold cars and work the west facing switches on the way to jamesburg.

OTOH....if they work 3 days a week, the trains might be short enough that they wont care about taking freehold cars to Lakewood and back....
I mean, they could put the siding back in at Marl Road and do the same thing. You wouldn’t want to leave them in Lakewood because of how many people walk down the tracks, and unfortunately some of the locals have messed with the trains in the past. Not that you can use that siding for anything right now, the north end is falling apart.

Speaking of Freehold, 10 cars for JB-1 tomorrow. Three of which are for Reed and Perine.
  by CharlieL
Bracdude181 wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:08 pm The Fort Dix siding was cleared of overgrowth lately, but only the portion that’s actually inside the base has been cleared as far as I can tell…
Which siding would that be. Back in the day they had quite a yard in there served by the Kinkora branch, the Pemberton branch, and Hightstown branch of the Pennsy. Don't remember any served from the Southern other than Lakehurst NAS.
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