by inthestix
Hey guys new to the site enjoying reading the posts! I'll try not to ramble so il be as short as I can. I currently work in the food sales industry delivering food while driving an 18-wheeler. The pay is pretty good and the company provides profit sharing (it is also day shift, mon-fri). However, this job is very physically demanding and i'm not sure i want to be doing this 15 years from now. Recently, I have been invited to interview with csx for the Intermodal Service Worker position. I'm just wondering what a lot of this job entails. One thing that is concerning me is the pay. Im pretty sure il be taking a pay cut starting out but was wondering what kind of lifestyle this job would be, compared to someone working on the transportation side. Also, the drive to work would be 15 mins longer than what i'm driving currently, which is around 45-50 minutes. Im really wanting opinions on this scenario and what would you do if you were officially offered the job. Thanks in advance!