Lady Penelope wrote:BR&P wrote:Caption writer was in la-la land. Obviously the unit was NOT on its side as stated, and it says the incident happened Saturday the 14th and the units will be shipped out on Sunday the 14th. If the caption is correct that 9992 was the leader, it does not appear the trailing unit would even have been damaged.
I don't like remotes either, but this same thing happened countless times in the past with a live human in the right hand seat, too. Having an engineer on board may help the odds but it's no guarantee.
1) The date was a typo, should be Sunday the 15th
2) I was there, and saw the damage to BOTH the units
3) I said the 9992 was LEANING on its side NOT 'ON ITS SIDE'
Read the post carefully and get your facts right before you go on bashing other people. Looks like you are in la-la land yourself
Well, that's good advice. Now - assuming you know the difference between a "D" and an "N", go to the top of the page and look at what you posted. You said the unit was LEADING - which the picture seems to confirm.
I did not know YOU personally wrote all that. Your picture, and that narrative are making the rounds of the internet, and the exact post arrived in my email box no less than three times before I saw it on here. So hundreds, maybe thousands, of people have seen the post and pic with the mixed up date (easy to figure out what was intended) and the caption (not so easy to figure out).
Probably "..leaning TO the side..." would have been better than "...leaning ON its side...". But I received follow-up emails and others have taken the intent the same way I did.
So - "Read the post carefully and get your facts right before you go on bashing other people." Good advice!