• CR 5244 ex EL 1024

  • Discussion related to the operations and equipment of Consolidated Rail Corp. (Conrail) from 1976 to its present operations as Conrail Shared Assets. Official web site can be found here: CONRAIL.COM.
Discussion related to the operations and equipment of Consolidated Rail Corp. (Conrail) from 1976 to its present operations as Conrail Shared Assets. Official web site can be found here: CONRAIL.COM.

Moderators: TAMR213, keeper1616

  by Cactus Jack
Looking for disposition info on CR 5244 - which I think was ex EL 1024, an Alco RS-3.

Last seen operating as EL 1024 on CR in November 1976 and then as CR 5244 at Altoona JBS whitelined in Aug 1977

When was this unit renumbered and when was it retired. Did it ever operate with a CR number ?

  by scottychaos
I dont have her listed as an EL survivor:

http://gold.mylargescale.com/Scottychao ... Survivors/

although that doesnt necessarily mean she IS scrapped..
its possible she is still out there somewhere, and I just havent been made aware of her for the list yet..

but generally most Alco survivors are pretty well accounted for..
so sadly I would say the odds of her survival today are pretty slim..


  by lvrr325
I would check 1982, 1983 X2200S to be sure it wasn't rebuilt with an EMD prime mover; if not, most likely it was scrapped, but my X2200's skip from the last 1976 issue to the last 1977 issue (which has no retirments listed).