by JoeG
When passenger cars were heated by steam from the engine, could a freight engine pressed into service to rescue a passenger train provide such steam? I'd think there would have to be some kind of pressure-reducing valve to provide low-pressure steam, plus a suitable steam hose. But did all engines have some kind of pressure reducer to provide steam for the generator, air compressor, etc?
I guess the question really is, if a freight engine was needed for passenger service, what (if any) modifications would have to be done to enable it to provide steam heat, and could the modifications be done quickly in the roundhouse, etc, or would they require a shopping?
I guess the question really is, if a freight engine was needed for passenger service, what (if any) modifications would have to be done to enable it to provide steam heat, and could the modifications be done quickly in the roundhouse, etc, or would they require a shopping?